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10 Brightest Stars in the Solar System, One of which is a Sign of the Coming Flood

As a double star system, Alpha Centauri displays the movement of its light with two components orbiting a point within a period of 80 years, with a distance between them ranging from 35.6 to 11.2 astronomical units.

Located on the main sequence (class V) with types G and K stars, Alpha Centauri is dazzling at a distance of about 4.4 light years. Its size of 1.22 and 0.86 times that of the Sun adds unique characteristics to its silhouette. With a combined magnitude of -0.27, Alpha Centauri appears as a single star, being the third brightest sight in the night sky after Sirius and Canopus.

With a declination of -60°50′, Alpha Centauri offers its charm to those living in the southern hemisphere. For those at latitudes above 29°10′ south, Alpha Centauri will be a circumpolar star, dancing in the sky without ever setting.

In late April or early May, Alpha Centauri reaches its best appearance, hovering around the meridian at midnight. Together with Beta Centauri, they serve as ‘pointers towards Crux,’ helping to distinguish it from fake Crux.

With Proxima Centauri as the third component, this system forms three parts that are gravitationally related. Although Proxima Centauri may appear isolated to the naked eye, the beauty of this system enriches our view of the life of stars in the night sky.

2023-11-27 15:18:22
#Brightest #Stars #Solar #System #Sign #Coming #Flood

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