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[정치]Biden government launched…Korea-US relations’expectations’ and US-China conflict’concerns’


The inauguration of US President Biden, who has emphasized strengthening solidarity with allies, is expected to bring warmth to US-Korea relations.

While the key issue is how the new administration’s North Korea policy is decided, China’s checks are expected to continue on a new level, putting a burden on the Korean government.

This is reporter Dowon Kim.


The launch of the Biden administration seems to be a major turning point in US-Korea relations as well.

Unlike President Trump, who viewed the alliance as a deal, Biden has emphasized solidarity with the alliance.

While the two countries agree on the strengthening of the ROK-US alliance, issues such as defense expenses that have been drawn over the years are expected to be resolved early.

[문재인 / 대통령(18일 신년 기자회견) : 바이든 행정부하고 우리 한국 정부는 여러모로 가치지향이나 정책 기조에서 유사한 점들이 있고, 이른바 코드가 같다고 느껴지는 부분들이 있기 때문에…]

On the occasion of the inauguration of the Biden government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also held a meeting presided over by the Minister and discussed the direction of the development of US-Korea relations.

[강경화 / 외교부 장관(어제) : 과거 민주당 행정부는 우리 정부와 한반도 평화를 위해 긴밀히 공조하고 협력해온 경험이 있는 만큼 바이든 행정부 출범 후 짧은 시간 내에 한미 간 호흡을 맞출 수 있을 것으로 기대합니다.]

The fate of the North American denuclearization negotiations is the choice of the Biden government.

It is positive that most of the new government’s diplomatic and security line personnel are well aware of the North Korean nuclear issue.

The government is committed to continuing the Singapore agreement and trying to resume dialogue with the US as soon as possible.

The conflict between the US and China is expected to continue in the Biden government.

In particular, the idea of ​​confronting China with the solidarity of democratic nations could be a greater pressure for us, our allies, to join us.

[우정엽 / 세종연구소 미국연구센터장 : 동맹을 중시한다는 게, 동맹국 개별 국가가 원하는 대로 해주겠다는 게 아니라, 대중국 연합전선을 구축하는 데 있어서 일차적으로 동맹국들의 역할을 기대하는 거죠.]

While President Moon Jae-in has expressed his willingness to hold the Korea-US summit early, it is possible that Minister Kang Kyung-hwa will visit the United States early next month to prepare in advance.

This is YTN Kim Do-won.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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