Home » today » World » [국제]The United States manages to launch the prototype of the hypersonic missile …

[국제]The United States manages to launch the prototype of the hypersonic missile …

US Air Force “First launch of an operational missile prototype”
Russia “first use of ‘Kinjal’ hypersonic missile”
China “managed to hit the target by going halfway around the globe”
Hypersonic missiles that are difficult to intercept due to the missile defense system


The United States has announced that it has managed to launch a hypersonic missile called a “game changer” from above.

It is developed later than China and Russia, but the United States, which has an advantage in missile defense, is expected to have greater deterrence when deploying hypersonic missiles in large-scale combat.

Reporter Kim Se-ho is on the sidewalk.


The United States has successfully launched a prototype AGM-183A hypersonic missile from a strategic bomber.

The US Air Force announced Wednesday that its B-52H strategic bomber launched a fully assembled AGM-183A off the coast of Southern California for the first time, hitting all targets.

The previous experiment focused on demonstrating the performance of the booster, but this time it was the first time that an operational missile in the form of a prototype was launched, and the aircraft-launched missile flew at more than 5 times the speed of the sound and exploded in the terminal area.

Russia, which invaded Ukraine in February this year, has announced that it has used the ‘Kinjal’ hypersonic missile in Ukraine for the first time in the world.

Hypersonic missiles with speeds exceeding five times the speed of sound can even evade maneuvering, making interception extremely difficult with existing missile defense systems.

The United States, seen as lagging behind China and Russia, is steadily accelerating development of hypersonic missiles, including successful launches to test the performance of propellant rockets in May and July.

In particular, if hypersonic missiles are deployed in earnest in the Indo-Pacific region, they are expected to become a powerful means of pressure for China, Russia and North Korea, which vie for leadership in the region.

[신종우 / 국방안보 포럼 : 서로가 같은 지역에 극초음속 미사일을 실전 배치하더라도 미국보다 탄도탄 방어체계가 약한 중국과 러시아로서는 미국의 극초음속 미사일 실전배치가 훨씬 더 위협으로 다가올 수 있습니다.]

As Japan also undertakes “hypersonic missile” research in preparation for territorial disputes in island regions, competition for the development of hypersonic missiles, which are valued as so-called “game-changers” that can change the whole world, is expected to intensify. .

This is YTN’s Kim Se-ho.

YTN Seho Kim ([email protected])

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