Home » today » Business » [국제]Let’s raise our heads on inflation, the hawk ‘Big Step’… Dark clouds in the US stock market

[국제]Let’s raise our heads on inflation, the hawk ‘Big Step’… Dark clouds in the US stock market


As inflation fears in the US, which seemed to be easing, resurfaced, hawkish voices within the Fed are growing.

Some even said that it is not time to slow down the pace of interest rate hikes, and that another steep big-step rate hike is needed. The face of the US stock market darkened.

This is Correspondent Kwon Joon-gi from Washington.


Just last week, US Fed Chairman Jerome Powell excited the market by mentioning disinflation and slowing inflation.

Inflation was caught early, raising expectations that interest rate hikes would stop soon.

[제롬 파월 / 미 연방준비제도 의장 : 디스인플레이션이라는 단어를 분명 쓸 수 있습니다. 인플레이션(물가 상승)이 둔화되고 있다는 뜻이니까요.]

However, a series of retail and wholesale price indices released this week overshadowed Powell’s remarks.

The producer price index rose 0.7% from the previous month, the highest since June last year.

The consumer price index also rose 0.5% from the previous month, far exceeding the forecast of experts.

It added weight to the prospect that the war against inflation would not end easily.

[제이슨 레이 / 제니스 웰스 파트너스 창립자 : 이번 물가 상승 지표들은 인플레이션이 생각보다 더 오래 고착화될 수 있다는 우려를 투자자들에게 전달했습니다.]

As the situation unfolded, hawkish voices within the Fed began to grow louder.

It has been argued that more than three rate hikes are needed, rather than the originally expected one or two 0.25%p rate hikes.

In addition to this, there was also a strong remark that a 0.5%p, big step increase should be carried out at a time, not just a 0.25%p increase.

[로레타 메스터 / 클리블랜드 연방준비은행 총재 : 금융시장 참가자들의 기대와는 별도로 금리 상단을 5%에 맞추기 위해 지난번 회의에서 0.5%p 금리인상이 필요했다는 강력한 근거들을 목격했습니다.]

U.S. stocks were gloomy for the second day in a row on fears that the Fed’s tightening policy could intensify.

Although the Dow rebounded late in the session, the Nasdaq and S&P 500 indexes were negative throughout the day.

This is YTN Junki Kwon from Washington.

YTN Junki Kwon ([email protected])

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