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Auto ⁢racer Morikatsu Yukiyuki (49) from Kawaguchi, 25th period, held a talk show at the ⁣Sapporo Racecourse on the​ 26th. He served as⁤ the⁤ presenter​ for the 2nd round of the World All-Star Jockeys on the 11th race, and after the final race, he excited many fans⁢ with his lively talk.

Morikatsu, who appeared in a black suit, received yellow cheers and said ⁢with ​a shy smile, “I didn’t expect so many people to gather, so‍ I’m happy. ⁢I’m almost 50 years old.” ⁢He also ⁣expressed surprise​ at the ‍record-breaking ​heat,‌ saying, “I moved ‌from ​Tokyo the ​day before, but⁢ Hokkaido was⁢ hotter. I was‍ surprised by the extreme heat.”

Morikatsu, an indomitable racer who made‍ a successful comeback after a 2-year and 3-month hiatus, is also a horse racing fan and ⁤was ‍looking forward ⁤to the presentation of⁤ Prezenta and Event on this‍ day. He said, “I was playing horse racing all the time ​during rehabilitation.‌ I lost​ quite⁤ a bit. I⁢ lost a year’s‍ worth in about 3 months (laughs). My favorite jockey ⁣is Mr. Takeshi. I ‍really wanted to meet him. ‍I thought⁣ I could meet him ​today, and I also got a ticket ⁣from Mr. Takeshi. ⁢I won‌ the trifecta,”⁢ he⁢ said with a smile, referring to the ‍result of the 11th‌ race ​in Sapporo where ‌My ⁤Nel Crisola, ridden by Takeshi, finished first (payout: 202,750 yen),‌ which was met ⁣with a big⁣ round⁣ of applause from the fans.

He also⁣ revealed his prediction for the Keeneland C⁢ race to be held⁤ on Sunday, naming Zonnic as his ‍top​ pick, saying, “It’s definitely Zonnic,”⁢ and Schwarz Kaiser as his second choice, saying,‍ “Horses running in Sapporo produce good ​results,” and​ analyzing the‍ race.

Provided by: Daily Sports

How can individuals stay updated with the latest news and government recommendations regarding the pandemic

​- Stay updated with⁣ the latest news and government recommendations regarding the pandemic.

– Wash your⁤ hands frequently with soap and water for at⁤ least 20 seconds.

– Use hand sanitizer with at least⁣ 60% alcohol if soap ⁤and water are not available.

– Avoid touching your face, especially your eyes, ‍nose, and mouth.

-⁣ Practice social distancing‌ by staying at least 6 feet​ away from others when in public settings.

– Wear a mask or face covering in ‌public places where social distancing is not possible.

– Cover your mouth and nose ‍with your elbow or a tissue when coughing or ‍sneezing, and ⁣dispose ⁢of used tissues immediately.

– Clean and disinfect frequently-touched objects and surfaces regularly.

-⁤ Stay home if you are feeling unwell or experiencing any symptoms of ​COVID-19.

– Follow any quarantine or self-isolation​ guidelines provided by health‌ authorities.

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