Home » today » News » [정치]Nominated Kim Jin-wook as the first candidate for the Minister of Public Transport…”Spurs to launch the Ministry of Airborne” vs “thorough verification”

[정치]Nominated Kim Jin-wook as the first candidate for the Minister of Public Transport…”Spurs to launch the Ministry of Airborne” vs “thorough verification”

Blue House “Candidate Jin-wook Kim, Equipped with Professionalism and Balance”
Democratic Party “Start institutionalization of power institutions that have been waiting for 20 years”
Power of the People “As expected, appointment of the Minister of Public Transport tailored to the government”


President Moon Jae-in appointed Kim Jin-wook, senior researcher at the Constitutional Court, as a candidate for the first high-ranking officials criminal investigation chief candidate.

The Democratic Party promised to spur the launch of the airlift, saying it expects a fair operation, but the people’s strength predicted a thorough qualification verification, saying that it is a custom-made candidate for the regime.

This is a reporter, General Manager.


President Moon Jae-in appointed Kim Jin-wook, senior researcher at the Constitutional Court, among the two candidates for the first airlift deputy who were recommended for revenge.

Candidate Jin-wook Kim was appointed as a judge in 1995, and then went through a special investigator in the Special Prosecutor’s Office of the Mint Corporation strike induction case with a lawyer at Kim & Chang Law Office.

The Blue House stated the reason for the nomination that the candidate had professionalism and a sense of balance through various legal backgrounds such as judges and lawyers, and has been striving to protect democracy and constitutional values.

[김진욱 / 초대 공수처장 후보자 : 국민 여러분의 기대, 그리고 또 걱정 잘 알고 있습니다. 제가 비록 부족한 사람이지만 국민의 검증 인사청문회 준비 최선을 다해 받겠습니다.]

The Democratic Party evaluated that the institutionalization of reform of power institutions, which has been waiting for more than 20 years, has begun.

Urging candidate Jin-wook Kim to lead the organization by showing neutrality and fairness,

We pledged to further accelerate the preparation for the remaining personnel hearings and the launch of the airlift.

[신영대 / 더불어민주당 대변인 : 더불어민주당은 인사청문회를 포함한 공수처 출범이 차질없이 진행될 수 있도록 철저하게 준비하겠습니다.]

He stressed that the second-stage reform, which removes the power of investigation from the prosecution, will also speed up and achieve a complete separation of the right to investigate and the right to prosecute by the first half of next year.

[윤호중 / 더불어민주당 검찰개혁특위 위원장 : 내년 상반기 중에는 법안이 국회에서 심의 의결될 수 있도록….]

On the other hand, as the power of the people deprived the opposition party’s right to recommend candidates, as expected, he foretold a thorough personnel verification, saying that he had appointed a custom-made airlift chief for the government.

Even though it will be verified, it is not ruled out that the Blue House is expected to enforce the appointment regardless of the opposition party’s consent.

[최형두 / 국민의힘 원내대변인 : 공수처장 후보자가 국민 우려대로 ‘친문 청와대 사수처장’이 될 것인지 여부를 철저히 검증하고 따져 물을 것입니다.]

At the same time, the opposition party’s deputy candidate nominating committee members filed an invalid lawsuit claiming that there was a problem in the nomination process.

The launch of the airlift was made visible by the nomination of the candidate, but as the opposition party is fiercely opposing it, difficulties are expected from personnel hearings to organizational formation.

YTN Manager[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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