Home » today » News » They ask for 15 years for the man who killed his ex-partner in San Isidro | Radio Club Tenerife | Present

They ask for 15 years for the man who killed his ex-partner in San Isidro | Radio Club Tenerife | Present

Sara, a native of León, was 26 years old and wanted to carve out a future for herself by studying a training program in Renewable Energies. He lived in San Isidro in the municipality of Granadilla de Abona with his 87-year-old grandmother and with his partner whom he had met on the Internet. In 2019, Sara decided to leave the relationship, but her ex-partner asked her to stay at the home they shared until she could find a place to stay. From that moment, the accused began to spy on his ex-partner both physically and on social networks, until on the night of November 25 (the day that commemorates the fight against Gender Violence), the accused first with With a pair of scissors and later with a kitchen knife, he ended up fatally wounding Sara. The alleged murderer tried to end his life without success and was subsequently arrested.

According to what became known after the investigation, the victim had called 016 up to two times after the fatal attack. For all this, the Prosecutor’s Office considers that the accused is the author of a crime of homicide aggravated by kinship and gender and requests the penalty of 15 years in prison and compensation for civil liability of 180,000 euros to the family of the victim . The trial will be held at the Provincial Court of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

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