Home » today » Entertainment » Tabloids caught in speed by discretion: British press surprised by Harry and Meghan’s visit to the Queen in London

Tabloids caught in speed by discretion: British press surprised by Harry and Meghan’s visit to the Queen in London

For the tabloids, this is a bit of a mess. They are usually informed through anonymous sources. Palace employees who, whether consciously or not, leak or have contacts with air traffic, for example, who let you know who has literally landed. Obviously not this time.

There aren’t even paparazzi photos, let alone details. And his son Archie (2) and baby daughter Lilibet (10 months) traveled with Harry and Meghan? Probably not, because Meghan returns home after a few days. But that’s not 100 percent sure. The Queen and Prince Charles have not yet seen their (great) granddaughter in person. This was a great opportunity.

Some of the court staff would also not have been aware of the arrival of Harry and Meghan. This is to ensure maximum privacy. The family reunion could be done discreetly. A lot of British newspapers write this morning “secret visit” of “shock visit“, while there was nothing secret about it. Harry planned to visit his grandmother anyway. He just outsmarts the tabloids with whom he is so at odds this time.

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