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STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl to be Showcased at Gamescom – New Features and Exciting Updates Revealed


GSC Game World has just announced that STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl will be shown at Gamescom on August 24th. In addition, several photos from the booth were published, one of which shows the main menu of the demo version of the long-awaited shooter.

Any deep adventure begins with exploration. And ours starts on this very day at Gamescom!

STALKER 2 should feature a non-linear storyline. Moreover, both short-term and global consequences will depend on your choice. Events will take place in the Chernobyl exclusion zone, and along with the old locations, new ones will appear in it.

GSC GameWorld has confirmed that the game will use motion capture for bodies and faces, as well as photogrammetry. In addition, from the day of release, the game will support mods and ray tracing effects.

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