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Severe Issues Reported with Spotify iOS App: Unexpected Crashes and Playback Interruptions

Some Spotify on iOS users are reporting severe issues with the app
It unexpectedly drops or stops playing in the middle of a song
The streaming platform is already working on a fix

The music streaming platform Spotify is among the most popular services of its kind in the world. It is therefore not surprising that even the smallest problem affects a relatively large number of users. This time, owners of devices with the iOS operating system are reporting problems, while the description of the defect is rather vague – some users on community forum reports strange behavior of the application, which includes unexpected crashes or stopping playback in the middle of a song. Spotify knows about the whole problem and admits it, but the solution is more complicated.

Unexpected application crashes and playback interruptions in the middle of a song

The issue appears to be with version numbers and above, and Spotify is currently investigating the issue. Since the release of this version, the Swedish service has released three more updates for the iOS application, but for now it doesn’t look like it has figured out where the problem is, because even after these updates there was no fix. Some users have been complaining about the problem for several months. At the same time, there is no information available from Spotify when the problems of some users could be solved.

It should be noted that a significant number of complaints come from owners of older devices, such as the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. Owners of some iPads and iPod Touches are also reporting problems, so it’s likely that the errors are somehow related to older hardware. From Spotify’s point of view, this is probably a marginal group of users, so it probably doesn’t pay as much attention to fixing the bug as it would if the most affected group were owners of the latest devices. However, in many cases these are still paying customers who receive worse service for the same money.

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“We have passed your information on to the relevant team who are currently looking for a solution. If you’re still having trouble, make sure you upvote this forum post and follow this thread to be the first to know about a possible fix. Thank you! We will let you know as soon as the situation changes.” stands in Spotify’s statement on the official forum. Let’s hope Spotify resolves the matter as soon as possible.

Author of the article

Dominik Vlasak

Editor, traveler, fan of technology, Star Wars and good coffee.

2023-10-17 10:00:00
#Bizarre #problems #Spotify #bothering #owners #iPhones

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