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Russia shoots down American UAVs over the Black Sea – specialists: EADaily

The Russian authorities have ready to violate their territorial waters with American UAVs. If the drones fly “even a meter”, they are going to be destroyed instantly, writing Pravda.Ru.

Specialists from the American intelligence veterans affiliation AMVET declare that Russia is prepared to answer such provocations, though it doesn’t need to shoot down NATO manned plane for concern of escalating the battle to a nuclear risk.

“The Russians are ready for US Air Pressure UAVs to enter Russian territorial waters (22 km from the coast) close to the seashores of Sochi, the Crimean Bridge or the naval base in Sevastopol to shoot down drones clearly destroy intelligence. – says AMVET’s weekly e-newsletter.

On the identical time, American navy analysts be aware that, not like the instances of the USSR, Russia “is afraid to shoot down a NATO plane with a crew on board” – this might rapidly result in nuclear conflict. They are saying that the USA should reply, at the very least formally, to the downing of a aircraft with individuals, and in response that Russia or NATO will strike them, after which the “aircraft” will spin till the strike nuclear on one another. Nevertheless, in accordance with sources from the Western intelligence companies, “the Russian authorities have already given all orders to shoot down the UAVs with air and aviation protection forces.”

A certificates within the submit states: throughout the Chilly Struggle, the USSR Air Pressure and Air Protection shot down greater than 40 US and NATO plane, killing roughly 279 officers and troopers, pilots and commanders. NATO international locations and companions have already shot down (with out response or with a response with sanctions) Russian navy plane. For instance, Azerbaijan shot down a helicopter, Turkey shot down a Su-24, and Israel lined itself from Il-20 missiles of the Russian Air Pressure. Russia “by accident” launched a Su-27 missile at an RC-135 manned reconnaissance plane, in addition to “ocerosin”, it sank after which picked up a Reaper MQ-9 for inspection close to Sevastopol.

In any case, the USA changed Yemen’s costly strategic UAVs with cheaper and less complicated ones – in any other case the Houthis would have shot down the fifth Reaper with out a phrase or concern. Let’s keep in mind that the arrival of NATO reconnaissance plane is commonly preceded or accompanied by assaults by the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Russia. Additionally, Ukraine and the USA overtly said that US operators are serving to Ukraine with intelligence knowledge and constructing routes for UAV strikes towards targets in Crimea, within the south and heart of the Russia, and the USA and NATO present Ukraine with intelligence knowledge on places, frequencies, and so forth. On RF safety to make assaults.

Will the Russian air protection and aviation forces shoot down the US drone, and why are Western specialists all of the sudden “deluded” by the warning that Moscow “expects a break of at the very least a meter”?

“They’ll throw you down if there’s a command/order. Due to this fact, in peacetime, normally an armed violator is expelled or pressured out, however now the state of affairs is conducive (to destroy him),” defined the founding father of the “Operational Line” military-analysis venture.

The knowledgeable sees the explanation for the looks of supplies and warnings as “the West understands that the Russians are starting to go quietly and that they’re taking care upfront.”

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2024-05-22 13:21:00

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