Home » today » World » Political polls, three weeks earlier than the European elections, the Democratic Occasion continues to be gaining on FdI. The M5S stays behind

Political polls, three weeks earlier than the European elections, the Democratic Occasion continues to be gaining on FdI. The M5S stays behind

Fifteen days after the cease within the polls earlier than the European elections – and three weeks after the vote – the hole between the Brothers of Italy and the Democratic Occasion is narrowing once more. Having eradicated the prospect of a direct conflict on TV between the 2 leaders, on this week’s YouTrend / Agi Supermedia, obtained with a weighted common of nationwide polls on voting intentions, the Dems nibble one other two tenths off the prime minister’s record, which stays secure at 27.2%, the bottom level for the reason that authorities took workplace Giorgia Meloni. Elly Schlein as an alternative he smiles at a end result now firmly above 20%. As an alternative, the M5S has misplaced floor – three tenths within the final two weeks Giuseppe Conte which is now beneath 16%.

The combat continues on the sting of decimals between the Lega and Forza Italia for the place of second power of the centre-right: this week the Carroccio rises once more and returns to meet up with the Azzurri of Antonio Tajani. rapprochement of the ‘combating package deal’ between the three lists aiming to exceed 4%, by no means so shut as in the present day. Emma Bonino e Matteo Renzi don’t transcend 4.6% with the USA of Europe, Alleanza Verdi Sinistra rises by a tenth to 4.2%, whereas Carlo Calenda this week it reaches the edge due to the 2 tenths gained compared with the info from the earlier two weeks considered by Supermedia.

The outcomes revealed in the present day are obtained on the premise of surveys carried out from 2 to fifteen Might, and have been carried out on 16 Might primarily based on the pattern dimension, the date of implementation and the info assortment methodology. The surveys thought of have been carried out by the institutes Demopolis (publication date: 8 Might), EMG (12 Might), Eumetra (9 Might), Quorum (6 and 13 Might), SWG (6 and 13 Might) and Tecnè (11 Might ). The detailed methodological word of every survey thought of is obtainable on the web site www.sondaggipoliticoelettorali.it.


FdI 27,2% (=)

Pd 20,6% (+0,2%)

M5s 15.8% (-0.3%)

Forza Italia 8.5% (-0.2%)

Lega 8,5% (+0,2%)

United States of Europe 4.6% (=)

Greens/Left 4.2% (+0.1%)

Share 4.0% (+0.2%)

Freedom 2.0% (+0.1%)

Peace Earth Dignity 2.0% (+0.1%)


Centre-right 44.2% (=)

Campo largo (Pd + Avs + M5s) 40,7% (+0,1%)

Liberal Heart (United States of Europe + Motion) 8.6% (+0.2%) Others 6.5% (-0.3%)

#Political #polls #weeks #European #elections #Democratic #Occasion #gaining #FdI #M5S #stays
– 2024-05-16 17:12:15

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