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Military Junta in Niger Vows to Put President Mohamed Bazoum on Trial for High Treason and Undermining Security


Leader of the military junta Niger vowed to ‘put on trial’ the President Mohamed Bazoum on charges of “high treason” and “undermining the security” of the country. Bazoum was removed from the presidency in Niger military coup which was launched at the end of July.

As reported AFP, Monday (14/8/2023), Bazoum has been detained at the presidential residence in Niamey, the capital of Niger, since the coup occurred on July 26. He was detained with his wife and son.

Niger’s military regime, in a statement at midnight Sunday (13/8), said it had collected evidence that would be used to try Bazoum in a local court.

“To prosecute the ousted president and his domestic and foreign accomplices before competent national and international bodies for high treason and undermining Niger’s internal and external security,” Colonel Major Amadaou Abdramane said in a statement read out by the military junta on national television. Nigeria.

It was added by the leaders of Niger’s military junta that they had not yet taken over the presidential residence and the Bazoum was still free to communicate with the outside world. It was even stated that Bazoum had received regular visits from his doctors.

According to an adviser to Bazoums, a doctor’s consultation was held at the presidential residence on Saturday (12/8) local time.

“After this visit, the doctors did not mention any problems related to the health condition of the ousted president and his family members,” Niger’s military junta added in a statement.

Check out the full news on the next page.


2023-08-14 05:35:44
#Hot #Niger #Junta #Trial #President #Bazoum #Treason

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