Home » today » Technology » Microsoft Transcription launches a new ‘Group Transcription’ app for translation on iOS

Microsoft Transcription launches a new ‘Group Transcription’ app for translation on iOS

Microsoft exists today Announced A new ‘Group Transcription’ has been released for iOS that provides high-quality, real-time transcription and translation during meetings and face-to-face conversations.

The app allows conversation participants to initiate a sharing session, capture the most accurate transcript from their phone’s microphone, and show who said what in real time.

This app supports multiple languages ​​in over 80 languages ​​and allows deaf, hard of hearing or non-native speakers to participate. Users can use real-time transcription to speak different languages.

Group transcript Group The group speaks a dozen languages ​​and dialects collectively, and team members are interested in connecting people from different cultures. “It can be a wonderful tool for communication. I want to see barriers broken down for people who speak many languages, ”shares Franklin Munos, one of the top development leaders and one of the top engineers who developed the project.

Microsoft notes that its new Group Transcript application is powered by sophisticated speech and language technology that has been used for many years.

The program is designed around face-to-face meetings and can be safely used during long-distance social conversations or once safely connected in person according to local guidelines.

Download the group’s transcript for iPhone, iPod and iPod Touch [Direct Link]

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