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Merry Christmas – AFVD

Friends of American Football and Cheerleading,

an exciting year is coming to an end. A year like we have never seen before in the more than forty-year successful history of American football in Germany.

Corona has had sport and the whole world under control since spring. Almost all American football games had to be canceled. The challenges were great and the path difficult. New solutions and ways were needed. Together with politicians, the AFVD succeeded in helping where it was needed. The GFL and GFL2 clubs will get through the crisis year economically thanks to the federal government’s “Profi Sport” funding program. The regional associations were also kept active and efficient through AFVD funds. The AFVD put a focus on the promotion of youth work in the regional associations.

We would like to thank the volunteers who have made sure on site in their clubs that the club life was kept going. You have put new hygiene concepts into practice during training and games, found new digital learning paths and gained valuable experience for 2021. You have ensured that the more than 70,000 members of the AFVD can look hopefully into the year 2021.

From the presidium to the office and league supervisors to the communication team, from the new GFL directorate to referees, youth, flag football, cheerleading and the newly appointed national coaches, there are many helping hands in the AFVD to support our sport.

Corona will not go away immediately after the turn of the year, but the experience gained will be helpful. The challenges will be great, but we will try everything to play football again!

We wish you all, your families and friends, your sports comrades, a merry and peaceful Christmas. Have a good New Year, keep our sport and above all: stay healthy!

AFVD Presidium

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