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JK’s contribution to Prabowo: Do not be sudden on initiatives like IKN

CNN Indonesia

Wednesday, 22 Might 2024 19:07 IWST

JK requested Prabowo to not out of the blue create a challenge like IKN Jokowi. (Particular Archives)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

tenth and twelfth Vice President Jusuf Kalla (JK) that the President could be elected Subianto recreation don’t take sudden insurance policies corresponding to the event of the Indonesian Capital (IKN).

JK expressed this after receiving a go to from MPR Chairman Bambang Soesatyo and MPR Deputy Chairman Ahmad Basara and Syarif Hasan at his residence, Wednesday (22/5) at this time.

He then insulted Prabowo for not taking related steps as President Jokowi who out of the blue began the Indonesian Capital Metropolis (IKN) growth challenge.

“So effectivity has a transparent goal and a goal. Do not out of the blue have an enormous challenge. All of the sudden say IKN. It wasn’t within the marketing campaign promise, it wasn’t right here, it wasn’t within the planning, simply out of the blue appeared,” mentioned JK.

Earlier than that, JK additionally reminded the Prabowo-Gibran pair that they’d have a mature coverage plan earlier than their official inauguration. The purpose is for the federal government to run effectively.

“If there isn’t a long-term or medium-term planning, what’s there to regulate? Due to this fact, long-term plans, whether or not within the type of targets or one thing like that, are more practical,” he defined.

He additionally reminded Prabowo that the federal government might be run successfully. He warned that effectivity in state spending have to be applied from the primary yr of presidency.

There are a number of efficiencies that may be made, he mentioned, starting from altering the quantity of social help to the group to lowering subsidies.


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2024-05-22 12:07:59

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