Home » today » News » Freiburg: Downpour shortened the opening ceremony of the Fashion Days in Freiburg – Mayor Martin Horn opened the first major fashion event in the metropolis of Breisgau

Freiburg: Downpour shortened the opening ceremony of the Fashion Days in Freiburg – Mayor Martin Horn opened the first major fashion event in the metropolis of Breisgau

The first Freiburg Fashion Days are a joint campaign of the city, Freiburg Wirtschaft Touristik und Messe GmbH FWTM and the retailers. It should take four days in a row to draw people into the city center with numerous shows and activities.
Today, Wednesday, the first Freiburg Fashion Days were opened on the Colombi Park stage by Mayor Martin Horn in the presence of numerous guests.

The opening of the first Friborg Fashion Days was supposed to be even wider and more glamorous, but it fell victim to the onset of rain. But the message of the four days reached the numerous guests: organize something together in the center that people enjoy and invite to linger.

After a dance performance by the group “No Sound Experience”, which addressed the topic of fashion production, the sports club stadium spokesman Stefan Mayer began his moderation dry.
Even when he asked the protagonists, Mayor Martin Horn, FWTM boss Hanna Böhme and David Lehr (member of the board of Friburg in der Stadt) to take the stage, the first drops of rain fell from the sky.

“Corona was not only a challenge for the city and its administration, but also for trade and commerce,” Mayor Horn began his brief speech. The city has come up with some measures to revitalize the city center. The city council has put together a large support package, and the state and federal governments have announced the funding.

“To mitigate the damage caused, the city, FWTM and trade associations have jointly conceived the Fashion Days”, continued the mayor. Fashion because more than half of the retailers are involved in fashion.
He himself attaches great importance to fashion, especially fair fashion, added the mayor.
With the coordinator of the center, Thorsten Schäfers, a link was also set up that gathers and unites forces.
Horn tackled other measures such as new chairs in public places, four free Saturdays for public transport, and planned after-work markets.

“The first Freiburg Fashion Days promise to make you want to go to the city,” explained Hanna Böhme, managing director of FWTM. It is incredible what has been achieved. Much of this could only be achieved together, and therefore Böhme praised the good cooperation of the individual forces.

“We retailers have to get used to the fact that in the future we will not be there just to meet our daily needs. We must act as entertainers in the future and offer customers significant added value compared to online trading, “said David Lehr (CEO of ́Friburg in der Stadt) with conviction.
In the future, shopping in Freiburg must become an experience to attract customers to the city center.

The onset of heavy rain prevented the scheduled show from being shown on stage, much to the disappointment of spectators and models.
The show has been moved to this afternoon and to the former Kaiser fashion house.
Due to bad weather, the evening event will also take place here, also scheduled for Colombi Park.

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