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Finance and Mindfulness · Dlf Nova

How do we actually think about money? Is that something bad and dangerous? Are all rich people evil and have they stolen their wealth? In this series of Mindful we think about finances.

Not only do we meditate, we also take care of our finances. But what do we actually feel when we think about money? How much do we want to earn? How much money do we need to live and what can we do with the money we have too much?

Diane and Main Huong want to inspire us to think about how we think about money, what beliefs we have around the topic and why that is.

“In psychotherapy we often do genograms. These are something like family trees. So we could now do a financial genogram and record, were there financial difficulties in the family? Debt or problems with credit? Inheritance matters? What beliefs might the parents have ? And so you can see which messages were passed on. “

Main Huong Nguyen, psychologist

Whether consciously or unconsciously – our parents often give us messages like: You have to become something! Says Main Huong Nguyen. And that could also have a major impact on our finances.

Write down what we think about money

When we know how we actually think about money and those who have it, we can look at and reinterpret our beliefs. A recommendation: write down what we actually want to think about money. And what good things we want to do with our money when we’ve had enough of it.

“Once you start looking into finance, you read again and again from other people who were all afraid of money at the beginning of their journey.”

Diane Hielscher

How can we be mindful of the issue of money in our lives – even if we have debts or do not yet know how to finance our retirement provision. Every journey begins with a first step, in this case the first step is mindfulness.

As always, the following applies: first look, first perceive, first feel what is. And then act mindfully. This also applies to our finances.

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