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Faking vaccine was human error and not government action: Sheinbaum

The Head of Government of Mexico City, Claudia Sheinbaum, pointed out that the case of the nurse who pretended to put a anti-Covid vaccine it is a “human error”.

Through her Twitter account, the president asserted that it is not a “deliberate action of the government” and shared the technical sheet that the IMSS reported the case.

This occurs after a young woman reported that at the headquarters of vaccination of the National School of Biological Sciences Zacatenco Unit of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), in the Gustavo A. Madero mayor’s office, a nurse deceived her uncle into believing that he applied the Sputnik vaccine V against Covid-19.

Also read: IMSS withdraws from vaccination a nurse who pretended to vaccinate an elderly person in the GAM

After this, the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) acknowledged the error and apologized, while proceeding to give the vaccine in a correct way, without major complications in the presence of your family.

The IMSS also indicated that the voluntary vaccinator was removed from the corresponding vaccination cell and that the measures from surveillance on the personnel participating in the vaccination days.

Also read: Medical deputy director vaccinates his family against Covid-19 in Sinaloa and is dismissed

The complainant published a video where it is observed that the nurse injects the man, but does not apply anything to him and removes the needle, which was shared on social networks.

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