Home » today » World » Esther Greitzer, a Holocaust survivor from Haifa, passed away • Over 1,000 people came to pay their last respects ○ The beautiful face of Israel • Watch – live here

Esther Greitzer, a Holocaust survivor from Haifa, passed away • Over 1,000 people came to pay their last respects ○ The beautiful face of Israel • Watch – live here

(live here) – Esther Greitzer, a Holocaust survivor from Haifa, passed away tonight (6/5/24) at the age of 95. Esther was left without a family of her own after experiments conducted on her in Auschwitz left her unable to give birth.

► Thousands came to pay their last respects to Esther • Watch

(Photo: David Razak – Chai Pa TV)

The beauty of the people of Israel

After the news of Greitzer’s death was published, along with a call to the public to come to her funeral due to the fear that only a few would come due to the fact that she was childless and many of her relatives had already passed away – at this moment (2:30 p.m.) the Haifa cemetery is filled with over a thousand people who responded to the call and came to pay their last respects to Esther .
Soldiers, security forces, fire and rescue personnel and many other good citizens came to honor the late Esther Greitzer, even though she did not know her.

She died on the eve of Holocaust Day

Esther died, somewhat symbolically, on the eve of Holocaust Day, and another one that is not similar to previous Holocaust days experienced by Israel in recent years. In light of the events of the time, the difficult war that broke out with the Holocaust in October, her story touches the most delicate souls of the people of Israel living in the Land of Israel and reveals its beautiful face even more.
Heartfelt thanks to David Razak who sent us the photos and reports.

► More and more keep coming – the funeral of the late Esther Greitzer • Watch

(Photo: David Razak – Chai Pa TV)

► They pay their last respects to Esther • Watch

(Photo: David Razak – Chai Pa TV)

In the testimony given by Esther about what she went through during the Holocaust, Greitzer told about being the youngest among seven brothers, about the many hardships she experienced during the war and the way in which her life was saved in the end, when the camp she stayed in was liberated at the end of the war.

Her nephew, Yohai Gringlik, wrote about her on Facebook that despite what she had been through, Esther married the late Gershon and lived a life full of love, doing, joy and giving. “.

Esther Greitzer’s funeral (Photo: David Razak)

At the end of the post, the nephew stated that unfortunately there would not be a Shabbat, but only a funeral, since Esther had no children and her siblings had all already passed away, and asked anyone who could and was in the Haifa area to come and pay their last respects to a heroic and noble Holocaust survivor.

Esther’s funeral will take place today, Monday 5/6/24, at 2:00 p.m
Shaar Oren, Haifa Cemetery.

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