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Emergency touchdown of the helicopter carrying the Iranian president

Internet Desk: The emergency touchdown of the helicopter carrying the Iranian president, the efforts of the rescue authorities to achieve the touchdown place are happening.
Based on Iran’s official information company, the helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has made an emergency touchdown.
Based on the information company, the Iranian president was returning after inaugurating a dam within the border area of Iran and Azerbaijan.
Based on the information company, the Iranian president was accompanied by senior officers within the helicopter.
Based on the Iranian information company, there’s at the moment no details about any casualties within the helicopter’s emergency touchdown.
The worldwide information company quoted Iranian state TV as saying that rescue officers try to achieve the helicopter’s emergency touchdown web site.
Iranian search and rescue groups are going through excessive problem in finding Raisi’s crash web site because of dangerous climate.
Rescue groups are within the forests of Dazmar, the place the helicopter carrying Iran’s president crashed.
On account of heavy fog within the space, the groups are shifting very slowly.
The Vice President of Iran left for Tabriz whereas the Iranian Ministry of Well being instantly dispatched 8 ambulances to the world the place President Raisi had an accident.

#Emergency #touchdown #helicopter #carrying #Iranian #president
– 2024-05-21 10:43:47

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