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Crawled on his knees: Alexey Panin stopped hiding the truth about his return to Russia

Information regularly appears in the media that the actor repented and returned to his homeland. Today, Panin himself reacted to these rumors.

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45-year-old Alexei Panin is one of the most controversial characters in the domestic show business. Sometimes the actions of this artist are difficult to explain logically – which is probably why so many rumors spread around him. The day before, a number of media reported that Alexei Vyacheslavovich had returned to Russia. Allegedly, he is tired of dragging out a miserable existence in Spain and wants to start life from scratch in his homeland. Today, the actor himself reacted to these gossip. In his microblog, he published a statement.

“I just woke up, and already from all over the world, from America, from Israel, they send me some regular articles of the yellow Russian press, in which they write that I returned to Russia, crawled on my knees, fell on the floor in front of someone. I’m in Spain, I sleep at home, everything is fine, don’t believe it, please, ”said the showman.

We add that rumors about Panin’s return to Russia regularly arise due to the fact that in sunny Spain he could not adapt and find a permanent job. In Russia, the artist receives 2-3 thousand dollars a day, and in Europe he is interrupted by odd jobs and even forced to trade his own body. Of course, Alexei Vyacheslavovich regularly has thoughts about how to radically change his life and return to the “trough”.

By the way, other emigrant actors also face similar problems. For example, it recently turned out that at the New Riga Theater Chulpan Khamatova receives only 60 thousand rubles a month, which is not even enough for food. But Maxim Galkin (recognized as a foreign agent by the decision of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation) was a little more fortunate in this regard – he tours the world, ensuring a comfortable existence not only for himself, but also for Alla Pugacheva.

A source: www.instagram.com

Photo source: Global Look Press/Anatoly Lomokhov

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