Home » today » Business » Coucke is sad with Unifiedpost shareholders: 4 new administrators have been appointed and the dismissal of a president has been rejected

Coucke is sad with Unifiedpost shareholders: 4 new administrators have been appointed and the dismissal of a president has been rejected

© Isosport

The shareholders of Unifiedpost, a Belgian firm specialised in digital invoicing processes, haven’t responded to the request of the primary shareholder Marc Coucke to dismiss the president and appoint 4 new administrators. The corporate reported this on Tuesday night time.

On the finish of April it turned recognized that Marc Coucke, who controls about 15 p.c of UnifiedPost by means of his holding firm Alychlo, in keeping with the corporate’s web site, needed a change. In line with the businessman, UnifiedPost has been higher in recent times, which was mirrored in a pointy lower within the inventory worth. Coucke proposed the appointment of 4 new administrators and requested the chairman to resign.

Unifiedpost’s board of administrators reacted negatively to Coucke’s proposals. And shareholders adopted by means of on that place at Tuesday’s shareholder assembly, the corporate mentioned in a press launch. “The candidate administrators proposed by Alychlo didn’t attain the required majority on the shareholders’ assembly to be elected as administrators, and nearly all of shareholders voted towards Alychlo’s proposal ” to dismiss two leaders, together with the president, he mentioned.

2024-05-21 19:48:23
#Coucke #sad #Unifiedpost #shareholders #administrators #appointed #dismissal #president #rejected

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