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Clinical Psychologist Discusses Roman Kostomarov’s Battle with Prolonged Depression and Recovery Process

Clinical psychologist Tatyana Marempolskaya spoke about the participation of 2006 Olympic champion in ice dancing Roman Kostomarov in the show “Secret to a Million” on the NTV channel.

“At Lera Kudryavtseva’s show we saw a completely different Kostomarov. Such people have a syndrome of prolonged depression, which reminds itself every day. He is struggling, but it is clear that the severity of the depressive state is still present in a strong form. It is difficult to say when this will end, but most likely it will take a lifetime to improve the condition. Over time it will get easier, but this is a completely different level of psychological instability. But he has already survived the worst, now he just needs to recover,” Marempolskaya said in a conversation with Sport24 correspondent Boris Meshkov.

Let us remind you that Kostomarov lost his hands and feet due to a serious illness. He spent six months in the hospital, from January to June this year.

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2023-09-20 22:12:00

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