Home » today » News » Ceiling collapses at hotel Het Witte Huis in Soest; several rooms evacuated | Amersfoort

Ceiling collapses at hotel Het Witte Huis in Soest; several rooms evacuated | Amersfoort

The suspended ceiling came down around 3.45 pm on Wednesday afternoon. This happened in the part where the bar is located. “We don’t know how that could have happened,” said Mulder. ,,We have no idea”, says general manager Niels van den Bogaard, who is shocked by the devastation.

He considers himself lucky that there was no one in the bar area. ,,I’m very happy with that, safety comes first.” Van den Bogaard immediately called in an expert who inspected where more problems with the ceiling could arise in the building. So far, that turned out not to be the case.

A reception worker witnessed the sudden crash of the ceiling a few meters in front of her.

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