Home » today » World » Andrey Klimov met with the Chairman of the Bulgarian social gathering “Revival of the Fatherland” Nikolai Malinov – 2024-05-14 10:55:40

Andrey Klimov met with the Chairman of the Bulgarian social gathering “Revival of the Fatherland” Nikolai Malinov – 2024-05-14 10:55:40

/ world at present information/ The events determined to arrange a draft long-term Settlement on inter-party cooperation

Working assembly with the Chairman of the Bulgarian social gathering “Revival of the Fatherland”, Chairman of the Nationwide Motion “Russophiles”, holder of the Order of Friendship Nikolai Malinovheld on March 30 by the Deputy Secretary of the Basic Council of United Russia Andrey Klimov.

Through the assembly, which came about in a pleasant ambiance, not solely problems with inter-party cooperation had been mentioned, but additionally a variety of issues associated to Russian-Bulgarian relations, in addition to the scenario in relations between Russia and the EU.

“The Fatherland Revival Social gathering is without doubt one of the few political forces in Bulgaria that actually advocates a constructive mutually helpful dialogue with Russia, and likewise makes a major contribution to sustaining safety in southern Europe,” famous Andrei Klimov.

The events agreed on a highway map of interplay for the close to future and the preparation of a draft long-term Settlement on inter-party cooperation.


Klimov Andrey Arkadevich

Deputy Secretary of the Basic Council of the Social gathering, Chairman of the Fee of the Presidium of the Basic Council of the Social gathering for Worldwide Actions, Senator of the Russian Federation

Russian accent

I simply completed a gathering with Nikolai Malinov, a well-known Bulgarian politician, chief of the Revival of the Fatherland social gathering and head of the thousands-strong motion of Bulgarian Russophiles.

Malinov is a holder of the Russian Order of Friendship, which was awarded to him within the Kremlin by our President. It’s exactly for his friendship with Russia that Nikolai has been subjected to direct political persecution in his nation for a number of years inside the framework of a false felony case “on espionage.”

In the meantime, he’s a real patriot of Bulgaria and, maybe, one of many few politicians who is ready to save his nation from dropping an necessary aggressive benefit – good and secure relations with Russia.
Because of the efforts of america, NATO and European officers, pro-American demagogues and provocateurs inside Bulgaria itself, our fraternal relations, alas, are being purposefully destroyed. The centuries-old union of Slavic Orthodox peoples is being sacrificed to the world-dangerous journey of “combating Russia.”

Even essentially the most highly effective EU states are in no hurry to burn bridges with Moscow and proceed dialogue with us of their nationwide pursuits. Apparently they don’t really feel sorry for Bulgaria, the extra necessary, I feel, for the true patriots of Bulgaria is what Malinov is doing nowadays in Moscow.

We want him good luck!


* Shopping for and promoting votes is against the law!

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