Home » today » Entertainment » Alex Sach, one of the founders of the group ‘Bon Jovi’, has passed away

Alex Sach, one of the founders of the group ‘Bon Jovi’, has passed away

Alex John Sach, one of the founders of the legendary rock band Bon Jovi, has died at the age of 70, the Guardian reports. Satchi was the band’s bass player from 1983 to 1994. The group has not disseminated information about the circumstances of Sacha’s death.

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“He was with us from the start,” John Bon Jowie, the group’s leader, writes on Twitter. “As one of the founders of Bon Jovi, Alex was very important in the process of his birth.”

Bon Jovi thanked Satch for joining the band, noting that Satch was a childhood friend of drummer Tico Torres and involved guitarist and songwriter Richie Sambor, with whom he had previously played in The Message.

Satch played for the band Bon Jovi, which peaked in the 1980s, but then left the band in 1994. He later joined the band when it was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2018.

“When John Bon Jowal called me and was invited to play in a band many years ago, I soon realized that he was serious and that he had a vision for the future of the band, and I am infinitely grateful to have had the opportunity to be a part of that vision. “Satchi told at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame event.

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