Home » today » Sport » ADEDY: Protest on the Ministry of Finance – 2024-05-21 18:30:12

ADEDY: Protest on the Ministry of Finance – 2024-05-21 18:30:12

The 24-hour strike mobilization of ADEDY passed off right this moment, Tuesday, in addition to a protest rally on the Ministry of Finance, with public sector staff as soon as once more expressing their protest towards the federal government’s fiscal coverage.

A delegation of ADEDY met with the Minister of Fiscal Coverage, Paulina Karasiotou, who – as she stated – represented Mr. Hatzidakis who was absent, and raised all the problems, as they had been included within the demanding framework of the strike, that are as follows:

“- Horizontal enhance of 10% within the salaries of the workers within the State, so as to deal elementary with accuracy and inflation.

– Restoring the Items.

– Collective Agreements for wages.

– Elimination of the wage freeze for the 2 years 2016-2017.

– Abolition of the two% unemployment levy.

– Improve of the tax-free quantity to 12,000 euros.

– Rising the allowance for unhealthy work.

– Rapid staffing with everlasting workers of all crucial public our bodies and upgrading of all essential infrastructure”.

In line with ADEDY, “the overall secretary didn’t make any dedication, not even for will increase in 2025. She was additionally detrimental on the problem of collective bargaining within the State.” “On the problem of masking the massive gaps in Well being, Training, Social Safety, and so forth., it was talked about in 1:1, that no drawback has been solved to date and the providers are under-functioning” feedback, amongst others, ADEDY.

After the above, the Government Committee of ADEDY will meet after which, on 14/06/2024, the Normal Council, to determine on the additional course of the mobilizations.

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#ADEDY #Protest #Ministry #Finance

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