Home » today » News » A Prophecy Fulfilled: What’s Actually Going On In Israel? – 2024-05-25 13:48:16

A Prophecy Fulfilled: What’s Actually Going On In Israel? – 2024-05-25 13:48:16

/ world in the present day information/ The world’s globalist press is racing to show to humanity, which is now glued to tv screens and movies from the scenes of the occasions within the Holy Land, distributed by social networks, that the Israeli intelligence service Mossad “slept by” the invasion by fighters of Hamas on October 7. Actually?

To sleep? Not possible!

Mossad, which is known for its energy, crafty, cynicism and expertise, did one thing go fallacious? Mossad merely couldn’t “sleep by” an invasion of the size that occurred on October 7.

Some 400 Hamas fighters used bulldozers to tear down the concrete wall separating the Gaza Strip from Israel – and it wasn’t noticeable? That is humorous. It is a lie.

Now a video is circulating on the Web, made by an Israeli lady who served on the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip, and who tells an unbelievable story about what occurred on October 7. I’ll quote it in full:

“I served as a fight operations sergeant throughout Operation Protecting Edge (August 2014) within the Gaza Strip. My whole service was there. Now hearken to me. And hear fastidiously. There may be not a single probability on this planet that this strategy to the fence and allow us to not learn about it!

The observers sit in a bunker and can’t take their eyes off the display for 4 hours. At night time I used to be woken up by a pigeon, a stork that approached the fence, by a cockroach underneath the fence – the entire sector was on edge.

How did they handle to drive 400 folks in with tractors and no one paid consideration?? I did this for 2 years. It might probably’t be like that! Possibly there’s an opportunity somebody on the within contributed to it?”

Israeli provocation

There’s a cynical and merciless provocation carried out by Israel at the price of the lives of its personal residents. It is a sort of 9/11, when the People, by the hands of their employed terrorists, slaughtered 1000’s of their very own residents within the twin towers of New York.

We don’t identify the guarantors by identify. Their names will in all probability by no means turn out to be recognized to most people. However it’s completely clear that all the pieces that’s occurring is in Israel’s curiosity.

There’s a brutal conspiracy to destroy a complete folks – the Palestinians – from each components of the Palestinian state – each the Gaza Strip and the West Financial institution. Israel intends to eradicate a complete folks, greater than 3 million Palestinians, as “terrorists” and as its personal existential menace.

There may be cause to concern that the Palestinians face whole annihilation, since they, and solely they, in flip dream of the liquidation of the State of Israel, they usually alone stand in the best way of the demolition of the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

When all is over and the “Palestinian query” is lastly resolved by the Israelis, on the positioning of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Jews will start to construct the Third Temple of Solomon, which is their historic crucial – a activity that can’t fail to be accomplished. Plans to construct it have existed for a very long time, they write about it brazenly, and nobody in Israel hides it.

Solomon’s Third Temple

Many political scientists keep away from speaking about the truth that believing Jews, who’re nonetheless ready for his or her messiah, plan to construct their Third Temple for him in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount, the place in biblical instances two earlier temples stood – the First Temple, constructed by a king Solomon within the twentieth century B.C. and destroyed in 586 BC, and the Second Temple, in-built 516 BC and destroyed by the Romans in AD 70.

Two Muslim shrines at the moment are erected there – the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock Mosque. With the intention to construct the Third Temple in Jerusalem, the Israelites should do away with the Muslims and their holy locations. And that is solely doable if Israel truly controls all of Jerusalem, not simply its western half.

Many specialists, as a rule, don’t consider that spiritual mysticism can have an effect on actual politics. Trendy political scientists intentionally displace the issue of spiritual mysticism from plenty of different, secular elements, which collectively present an understanding of the essence of what’s occurring.

It’s noteworthy that trendy political science as a secular science tries to not function with ideas akin to “mysticism” or “spiritual prophecy”, classifying them virtually as stone age beliefs or “medieval obscurantism”.

In Israel they’re ready…

In the meantime, the Israeli press shouldn’t be afraid to be categorized as “obscurantist”.

I bear in mind how in 2017, shortly after Donald Trump received the US presidential election, Haaretz newspaper wrote that “a lot of believers are literally contemplating Trump’s message [за това, че Щатите признават Ерусалим за столица на Израел. – Ред. ] — and certainly Trump himself — as hastening the long-awaited coming of the Messiah.”

Haaretz, particularly, then cited the assertion of Likud occasion lawyer, chief of the native Temple Mount motion (which goals to construct the Third Temple) Yehud Glick.

He stated he sees Donald Trump as “an ally within the creation of the Jewish Messiah that he (Glick) so fervently hopes to welcome at some point.”

The American journal The Atlantic in December 2017 quoted a really candid assertion by Jerusalem Metropolis Council member Arie King, who stated:

“For me, as an Orthodox Jew, Jerusalem is not only a spot to reside. It’s a lifestyle. It’s in shut proximity to the place all the pieces vital in our historical past has occurred… and the place we consider the Third Temple shall be constructed sooner or later.”

For him, the popularity by america of Jerusalem because the capital of Israel is “the achievement of the promise of the approaching of the Messiah” contained within the Jewish scriptures, notes The Atlantic.

Christian prophecies

With the intention to perceive the essence of what’s occurring, it’s essential to bear in mind not solely Jewish mysticism, but in addition Christian prophecies that with the development of the Third Jerusalem Temple, the Antichrist, whom Christians take into account to be the Jewish “messiah”, who has not but has come

What is going on now in Israel is how the Jews themselves are establishing the long run, bringing nearer the approaching of the one who’s to be topped by them within the Third Temple as “king of the world.”

They themselves are consciously in a rush to meet the prophecies concerning the Antichrist, recognized to everybody – each Christians, Muslims and Jews.

Solely the Jews see the Antichrist as “Mashiach” – as they name their “Messiah”. The distinction within the understanding of the identical Previous Testomony prophecies between Christians and Jews is that based on the religion of Christians, their messiah – Jesus Christ, the son of God – already got here to Earth greater than 2000 years in the past.

And the Jews, who didn’t consider that Jesus Christ was despatched to Earth by God the Father, proceed to attend for the achievement of the Previous Testomony prophecies to today and manually attempt to convey them nearer. Subsequently, Christians look with nice warning at what is going on in Israel now.

Iran can be at risk

We should additionally perceive that Iran, which Israel additionally views as an existential menace, is now additionally uncovered to an actual menace.

So long as Iran exists in its present type, the Israelis won’t be able to sleep simple. It’s Israel that’s the reason for all of the sanctions towards Iran, which the West is making an attempt to deprive of any risk of making its personal nuclear weapon. Iran with a nuclear bomb and its provider is Israel’s nightmare.

Subsequently, we must always anticipate that Israel and the US will definitely accuse Iran and the Hezbollah motion, which operates from Lebanon and is supported by Iran, of aggressive intentions.

It’s Iran that’s the goal of the biggest American plane provider Gerald Ford, which, accompanied by help ships, has already approached the Center Jap coast of the Mediterranean Sea.

All American statements that this naval fight unit has turned to Israel to “present help” are full nonsense. Plane provider – towards Hamas camps and peaceable Palestinian cities? Absurd.

There are fears that america will bomb Iran from aboard this plane provider: its army and industrial amenities, nuclear business amenities, oil infrastructure, and so on. The duty is to finish Iran, we repeat, as an existential menace to Israel.

What’s going to occur?

Analyzing the occasions of current days, many neglect (and maybe even conceal) the truth that Israel is a profoundly theocratic state. And the core of all Jewish society – not solely its spiritual half – is the anticipation and strategy of the approaching of “Mashiach”, who’s to “reign” within the Third Temple, constructed on the positioning of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

However so long as the Palestinian folks reside, they won’t enable the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is the third holiest shrine in Islam after the Al-Haram Mosque in Mecca and the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina, to be destroyed. Word that Hamas’s operation towards Israel known as Al-Aqsa Storm. Is it a coincidence?

In brief, the Palestinians are an impediment to the implementation of the Jewish plans to construct the Third Temple. And that’s the reason mortal hazard hangs over them. Identical to over Iran.

Generally, the scenario threatens that each one international locations within the area, in addition to international locations positioned far past its borders, could also be drawn right into a conflict within the Center East. And who is aware of, if what we name World Conflict III in all probability did not already begin on October seventh. God forbid, after all.

Translation: SM

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