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Back pain & stress: how to avoid the “damage” of smart working with the correct position and lights

agile work with correct position and lights

With the extension until January of the state of emergency, the times of “no return” to the office for thousands of employees and professionals are also lengthened. The advice of the experts to be able to work in order to protect health both within the walls of the house and outside with the correct position and lights

by Maria Chiara Voices

A revolution called smart working

With the extension until January of the state of emergency, the times of “no return” to the office for thousands of employees and professionals are also lengthened. The advice of the experts to be able to work in order to protect health both within the walls of the house and outside with the correct position and lights

3 ‘of reading

Check the light sources, adjust the position and brightness of the screen well, pay attention to the posture one assumes in front of the PC and use at least the phone-call breaks to get up from the chair and walk. With the extension until January of the state of emergency, the times of “no return” to the desk for thousands of professionals and employees are also lengthened.

If the studio is closed, the professional is naturally inclined to travel to meet the client. Often the workplace is not even the desk at home. But a support surface at the station, a table in a bar or an armchair in the waiting room. With what consequences? Because the flexibility of a profession that is already “mobile” in itself, accentuated by the lack of a fixed location due to coronavirus, has a direct impact not only on productivity hours, but also on the body. The consequences are not just a temporary discomfort: the risk is to compromise well-being and health.

“For those who find themselves using desks and makeshift supports – explains Erminia Attanaiese, professor of Ergonomics at the Federico II University of Naples – there are some fundamental rules that must be verified before stopping for hours in front of a screen, in any context you find ». Adds Cristina Biella, labor consultant of the Order of Monza and Brianza and one of the founders of the Yoga Essse Academy of Brescia: «Forcing the body in the wrong positions ends up having direct repercussions on increased stress and productivity. In a way, moreover, unconscious ».

The rules for the location in the house

Clearly, the attention to ergonomics is worth all the more when setting up a workstation in the home. “The first advice, which is often the least accurate, is to look for a coherent plan with respect to the contributions of light, which must always filter, but which, for example, should never reflect on the computer screen in order not to strain the eyes” , adds Attaienese. If the room does not receive sufficient natural radiation, it is better to use warm light bulbs, which tend towards the colors of yellow. Instead, neon should be banned.

Hence the actual posture. «Ankle, knee and hip must be rigorously positioned at 90 ° – adds Alessandro Catanzaro, posturologist and head of the Posturalmente studio in Rome -. Especially for those who use a laptop, be careful to avoid annoying forward bending of the neck, which end up overloading the trapezius and spine and distort the normal physiological curve of the body. Nobody knows, but precisely to reduce the load on the lumbar, it would be better when possible to work standing and possibly in motion, for example when spending time engaged in a telephone conversation. The human being is not structured to sit or stand still for long ”.

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