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How to distinguish common cough and cough due to Corona Virus

VIVA – In addition to fever and flu, cough is also one of the characteristics or signs of a positive case of COVID-19. As many as 60 percent of positive cases Crown COVID-19 reported experiencing dry cough as the most prominent symptom.

With cases like that, not a few people who experience cough and worry they are exposed Corona virus COVID-19.

Then how to distinguish?

According to the Pulmonology Consultant, Apollo Hospital, Navi Mumbai, Dr. Jayalakshmi TK, dry cough is a cough that does not cause mucus. You will also feel a tickling behind your throat which triggers a cough reflex, causing a coughing hack.

Compared to this, a wet cough usually pushes mucus out of the respiratory system, including the nose or throat.

“A wet cough sounds wet because the body literally pushes out phlegm and people will feel something stuck in the back of the throat. In some cases, coughing ink is also accompanied by other symptoms such as colds, post-nasal droplets or fatigue,” he said as reported from the page Times of India.

Senior Consultant for Critical Treatment of Lung Dr Ravindra Nallagonda at Aster Main Hospital also added that in many cases, wet cough may be accompanied by pus production (phlegm) or blood, whereas dry cough is characterized by the absence of sputum production.

He explained, dry cough occurs because there is inflammation or irritation in the respiratory tract. Usually, the throat and lungs can become inflamed due to bacterial or viral infections, physical tension or environmental conditions. Dry and wet coughs also differ in the intensity of pain and voice.

“A dry cough produces a kind of sound. People may feel or experience a tingling or hoarse voice behind their throat which can also trigger a cough reflex,” he continued.

Dr Meenakshi Jain, from Max Super Specialty Hospital Patparganj and Noida said that unlike a wet cough, dry cough usually lasts for several weeks after a cold or flu has passed, and in many cases, it can often be difficult to control and last for a long time, in children both adults and.

“It should also be noted that although dry cough has been stated as a major symptom of coronavirus infection, often this cough can be caused by allergies, sinusitis, asthma, tonsillitis or prominent irritant exposure such as dust or smoke,” Jain said.

Therefore, if you suffer from a dry cough and suspect Corona virus infection, you should also be on the lookout for other symptoms such as long-standing high fever. This can be accompanied by loss of appetite or loss of sense of smell, shortness of breath, and digestive problems such as diarrhea.

Meanwhile, what you can also do is take medicine to relieve coughing prematurely. Dry cough gets better with steam, moisturizers, throat lozenges and cough suppressants, which are used for a while.

There are also natural remedies available to treat and relieve dry cough. Starting from gargling with salt water, with honey and ginger.

But if the cough lasts continuously, you can also use a pillow with a higher position during sleep. This can help reduce and reduce irritation.

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