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Experts Begin Understanding Many of the Health Problems Caused by Corona Page all

KOMPAS.com – Scientists are beginning to understand what health problems arise due to being infected with the SARS-CoV-2 corona virus, which is responsible for Covid-19.

According to doctors and infectious disease experts, some patients recovering from Covid-19 have an inherent effect on the patient’s health system over the next few years.

“We think this is just a normal respiratory virus. It turns out, this virus affects the pancreas, liver, brain, kidneys, and other important organs. We didn’t realize this at first,” said Dr. Eric Topol, a cardiologist and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in La Jolla, California.

Reported ReutersOn Friday (6/26/2020), in addition to respiratory disorders, Covid-19 patients can experience blood clotting disorders that can cause strokes and extreme inflammation that attacks various organ systems.

Also read: Preliminary Evidence Show, Corona Virus in Spain Since March 2019

This virus can also cause neurological complications which are characterized by headaches, dizziness, loss of ability to smell and taste, convulsions, to daze.

On the other hand, Covid-19 recovery can be long, incomplete, and expensive.

According to a cardiologist at Northwestern Medicine, Chicago, Dr. Sadiya Khan, Covid-19 manifestations are broad and varied.

Khan said, people with underlying heart conditions are at high risk of complications.

“What is surprising about this virus is the level of complications that occur outside the lungs,” Khan said.

Khan believes there is a huge burden on the treatment of Covid-19 survivors.

Long maintenance

Patients who are in the intensive care unit or use a ventilator for weeks, spend more time in the rehabilitation center.

“It can take up to seven days to recover,” Khan said.

“The older you are, you might never return to the same level of function,” he added.

photo" data-photolink="http://www.kompas.com/sains/image/2020/06/28/200200923/ahli-mulai-memahami-banyak-masalah-kesehatan-yang-ditimbulkan-corona?page=2" style=" max-width: 100% ; width:780px ">SHUTTERSTOCK/namtipStudio Illustration of Covid-19 patient. The cortisol hormone or stress hormone experienced by Covid-19 patients can increase the severity of the disease to the risk of death.-

In connection with this latest study, Jay Butler, who is included as deputy director of infectious diseases at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said the aim of the research was to understand the long-term effects of infections.

“We heard anecdotal reports about people who (recovered from Covid-19) felt tired and had shortness of breath. How long this happened, it’s hard to predict,” Butler said.

While the symptoms of the new corona virus SARS-CoV-2 usually heal in two to three weeks.

“An estimated 1 in 10 people experience prolonged symptoms,” said Dr. Helen Salisbury of Oxford University wrote in the British Medical Journal published Tuesday.

Salisbury said many Covid-19 patients had normal chest radiographs and no signs of inflammation. However, they still have not returned to normal.

“If you previously could run 5 km three times a week, (after recovering from Covid-19) you feel breathless just by going up one flight of stairs. Or when you go back to work, you will cough endlessly and feel too tired,” Salisburry wrote.

“The level of health might not return to the way it was before and this is real,” he added.

Also read: CDC Adds 3 New Symptoms of Corona Virus, One of the Colds

Meanwhile, Igor Koralnik, head of neurological infections in Northwestern Medicine, has reviewed the current scientific literature.

He found that about half of patients hospitalized with Covid-19 had neurological complications such as dizziness, decreased alertness, difficulty concentrating, odor and taste disturbances, seizures, strokes, and muscle aches.

Koralnik’s findings, published in the journal Annals of Neurology, have started an outpatient clinic for Covid-19 patients. He studied whether post-recovery neurological problems from Covid-19 were permanent or temporary.

In this regard, Khan sees the similarity between SARS-CoV-2 and HIV – the virus that causes AIDS.

Much of the initial focus is death.

“In the last few years, we have been very focused on cardiovascular complications from HIV survivors,” Khan said.

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