Home » today » Health » JATI Calls on Malang Municipal Government to Create Local HIV/AIDS Regulation and Activate KPA

JATI Calls on Malang Municipal Government to Create Local HIV/AIDS Regulation and Activate KPA

Liputan6.com, Malang – Government Malang city considered non-serious in the prevention, treatment and management of HIV/AIDS. This was expressed by ODHIV activists and assistants during a demonstration in front of the town hall.

The masses who are members of the Cross-Issues Network (JATI) took to the streets to coincide with World AIDS Day on Thursday, December 1, 2022. They made a number of demands to the Malang city government.

“There are several things that make us think that the Malang municipal government is not very committed to the HIV/AIDS issue,” said the action’s spokesman, Ruhadi Rarunda.

The indication is that there is no specific regional regulation (Perda) in this regard HIV/AIDS in Malang city. So far there is only one draft regional regulation on infectious diseases which does not contain details on HIV/AIDS, and it is not even a priority for discussion in the DPRD.

In addition, the Malang city government, through the health service, effectively suspended the newly formed AIDS commission (KPA). Although the Malang City Mayor’s Decree number 188.45/339/35.73.112/2019 related to the establishment of the KPA has not been revoked.

“We ask that the municipal administration make a regional regulation and reactivate it KPA extension“, Rudi said.

So far, the Malang municipal government is considered to be more focused on infrastructure development only. Health budget allocation, especially for HIV/AIDS prevention, is very limited. Even though there are many PLHIVs that need more attention.

“Nutrition aid for ODHIV children has been on hold for a long time,” she said.

HIV/AIDS in Malang City In an effort to eliminate HIV/AIDS in 2030, the government through the Ministry of Health has announced the 95-95-95 Accelerated Strategy. That is, 95 percent of PLHIV know their status, 95 percent of PLHIV are treated, and 95 percent of PLHIV who are treated experience viral suppression (treatment success).

However, the implementation of this strategy has not been maximized in Malang City. The indication refers to data from the Health Service, ie that only 46.06 percent of PLHIV people know their status, 42.13 percent are being treated and 14.86 percent are surprised by the virus.

“The data show that the municipal government is not serious about carrying out this national policy,” Ruhadi said.

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video-gallery--item__video-caption_read-video-article">He’s not a rich man. Every day he works as a valet. However, his love for children living with HIV/AIDS (ADHA) removes all boundaries.

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