Home » today » Technology » There is actually such an anecdote behind the election of the penguin as Linux mascot | XFastest News

There is actually such an anecdote behind the election of the penguin as Linux mascot | XFastest News

A certain logo is chosen to convey a brand image and service philosophy, usually for quite complex reasons. But in many cases, some “symbols” also express very important things for starting a business, or for teams and individuals. There are many things that are unforgettable in the fast moving world of technology. And in a project that has impressed both inside and outside the industry – the little penguin, the Linux mascot – it’s definitely an important reference case.


Referring to official historical sources, this decision was made by the “father of Linux” Linus Torvalds. According to Larry Ewing, this image was created after a series of brainstorming sessions on the bulletin list mailing.

The initial idea came from programmer Alan Cox, who was instrumental in various stages of early Linux development. And Larry Ewing’s design has finally been lucky enough to be recognized by more people.

Also refer to an archived article on Linux Australia by Linus Torvalds, who claims that penguins embody the extraordinary attributes of Linux. By the way, “Tux” (full name tuxedo) is seen as an abbreviation for “Torvalds Unix”.

From the original text, it can be seen that he himself is not interested in the serious “corporate” design related to it and finds that most of the Logo options presented by everyone are uninspiring.

Instead, Linus Torvalds prefers things that are fun and empathetic, and it happens that a chubby penguin smiling after a full meal hits his heart.


Linus Torvalds joked in a subsequent article (a Usenet article archived when Linux was first announced in 1996):

I’ve been told they don’t think a fat penguin can really embody Linux grace, but only because they’ve never seen an angry guy running towards them at 100mph, otherwise they wouldn’t have looked down on him so much. .

National Geographic Reports:

Although penguins cannot fly, they have the ability to swim long distances.

And when it is on the move, it protects itself from dangerous predators.

Additionally, penguins have very loyal company and are very caring parents when it comes to feeding.

In fact, it was Linus Torvalds’ tour of a lively city zoo on his trip to Canberra that gave him such a passion for penguins.

Closer to us, Linus Torvalds wants people to remember that Linux is not only a full operating system, but can also attract a large number of users to grow together, so that everyone can enjoy exploration in the learning process of navigation. .

He explained: “Don’t take the penguin too seriously, after all, it’s a bit silly and funny, and that’s the point.”


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