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8 signs of an unhealthy liver, should be wary if they occur


The liver is an important organ in the human body. It plays an important role as a detoxifier so that the body is not easily contaminated with poisons and free radicals. If it works imperfectly, people are more susceptible to viruses and diseases. As an early prevention, learn more about the signs of an unhealthy liver.

The liver is the second largest organ in humans after the skin and contains 10% fat. If the fat content exceeds the required limit, it is considered a “fatty liver” which makes the sufferer more likely to develop type 2 diabetes.

In addition to functioning as a detoxifier, the organ actually has more than 500 benefits, including:


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  • Producing bile.
  • Make some blood plasma proteins.
  • Regulates the levels of amino acids in the blood.
  • Clears the bilirubin in red blood cells.
  • Converts toxic ammonia to urea.
  • It fights infections in the body.
  • Store iron and nutrients.
  • Delivering glucose to the brain.

In fact, it has the amazing ability to regenerate its own cells. Therefore, it is right for everyone to take care of the health of the liver so that it functions normally and in a healthy way.

Signs of an unhealthy liver

Quoted by News24 and Cleve Clinic, the following are signs of an unhealthy liver:

1. Itchy skin

Itchy skin accompanied by a rash can be a serious problem when it comes to liver health. When the bile duct is blocked, fluid flows back into the blood vessels and causes a subcutaneous reaction, causing itching.

2. Spider angioma

Spider angiomas are a medical problem that causes capillaries to collect at some point, then spread to form a spider’s paw. This problem is caused by higher estrogen levels and is an indication that the liver is not functioning properly.

3. Halitosis

In addition to stomach problems, bad breath is also a bad sign for the liver. Bad breath due to liver failure is known as a hepatic stench. This smell is not normal and different from the smell produced by the mouth upon waking. This is caused by an increase in a compound called dimethyl sulfide in the blood when suffering from liver disorders.

4. Hyperpigmentation on the face

Have you ever seen brown spots on your face? Generally, this condition occurs because the face is exposed to too much sun. However, liver disorders may be the cause.

When the liver is not functioning properly, the estrogen in the body will increase. At the same time, a substance called tyrosinase, an enzyme that contains copper, produces more melanin (skin pigmentation) causing brown spots on the face, including all over the body.

5. Palms reddish

Red, itchy palms are known as palmar erythema. Although relatively rare, it can be a sign of liver damage. This condition occurs due to abnormal hormone levels in the blood.

6. Jaundice

Jaundice or jaundice is a common symptom that can increase the risk of kidney disease. This condition causes the urine to be darker and the color of the skin and sclera, the whites of the eyes, to turn yellow.

The cause is a pigment that forms when damaged red blood cells – bilirubin – build up in the bloodstream. In a healthy liver, bilirubin will be converted into bile and then excreted via the stool (faeces).

7. Bleeding

Vomiting blood or bleeding from the anus is one of the many causes of an unhealthy liver. The normally functioning liver will help the body drain 25 percent of the blood in the veins.

However, liver cirrhosis caused by scar tissue will block this flow and divert it to the spleen. If left unchecked, the veins swell and rupture at the most unexpected moments. In this case, go to the nearest emergency room immediately.

8. Lack of concentration and confusion

When the mineral intake has been satisfied, but it is still difficult to concentrate and feel dizzy, there is a high possibility that the liver has problems. A liver that is not functioning effectively will have difficulty filtering out toxins and substances that are not needed by the body.

Eventually, the remaining toxins spread to the brain and cause hepatic encephalopathy (EH). Hepatic encephalopathy is a temporary neurological (nervous system) disorder due to chronic liver disease.

When the signs of an unhealthy liver above worsen, go to the doctor for a medical examination. Also, the best prevention is to maintain a healthy lifestyle and not to drink alcohol.

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