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What is that yellow dust on your car? | Inland

For that, the wind must blow all the way from the north of Africa and although the temperatures have occasionally been quite high recently, that is not the case.

The dust that is now swirling en masse in the Netherlands is mainly from pollen grains of the birch, Weerplaza reports. It is now in bloom and not only domestically, but also in the surrounding countries.

People with hay fever know very well why their car is full of yellow dust. In the coming weeks, people with hay fever will be able to brace themselves again, because d = the grass pollen are coming. The risk of hay fever complaints increases considerably.

Grass spreads very strong allergenic pollen and causes complaints to more than two million Dutch people. Due to expected dry and sunny weather with a prevailing east wind, the concentration of grass pollen in the air increases considerably.

That predicts Weeronline. The first grass pollen has already been observed last week by the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) and the Elkerliek Hospital. For the time being, according to Weeronline, no rain is expected and it is regularly warmer than normal with temperatures of 15-21 degrees. Normally it is 13-17 degrees.

The sunny weather stimulates the flowering of grasses. And an east to northeast wind supplies an extra dose of pollen from Germany. It will probably get a bit cooler around King’s Day, but even then a local mood will fall.

The peak period of the grass pollen season is expected in the second half of May and in June. After the peak, grass pollen still causes complaints in many people in July.

A few more weeks of birch pollen

Birches also still produce a lot of pollen. It is estimated that almost a million Dutch people are sensitive to this pollen. The birch pollen season started in March, and from April 5, large amounts of birch pollen were released into the air. The very warm April weather brought the birch trees to flower. The first birches are now blooming in the south and east, but in the west the peak period continues a little longer. According to the pollen planner of Wageningen University, most birches have finished flowering at the end of April and the last birch pollen disappears from the sky at the beginning of May.

Corona confusion

Some hay fever complaints overlap with corona complaints. It is wise to use hay fever medication in time to limit the symptoms of hay fever as much as possible to avoid confusion with corona complaints.

Tips against hay fever

  • Use your hay fever medicines on time (preventively).
  • Shower before going to bed to wash pollen from your hair and keep your pillow clean.
  • Wash your clothes regularly and do not dry them outdoors.
  • Keep windows and doors closed or use anti-pollen screens.
  • Use sunglasses. This makes the pollen less easily in your eyes.
  • Avoid physically strenuous outdoor activities.

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