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Lightning Wedding in China | Gera

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Updated: 02/13/2021, 6:00 am

| Reading time: 3 minutes

Ulrike and Armin Heinz started their marriage unusually – but they are still happy to this day

Ulrike and Armin Heinz with their wedding photo and the lucky charm for the “Year of the Ox” that started on February 12th.

Photo: Peter Michaelis

“We wanted everything to be much more romantic and not so silly,” Ulrike Heinz remembers on June 20, 2008. She and her husband Armin didn’t even know at the beginning of that day that this would be their wedding date. The couple, who met in the 1990s through their enthusiasm for China, its culture and mentality, went to Beijing together in 2005. Both worked there as teachers. Ulrike Heinz’s grandfather had also worked as an architect in China, including for Wuhan University, and her mother was born here. After deciding to get married in China, the couple wanted to register for it, similar to the line-up in Germany. She was off, he was represented by a colleague for three hours. We went to the registry office with all the papers, passport photos and a friend as an interpreter.

Thumbprint and passport photo

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