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7 things that happen to your body when you start consuming white honey

10:00 PM

Saturday 26 September 2020

I wrote – Nour Ibrahim:

Honey occupies a great place among natural food products, as it is not only a product with a delicious taste, but it also plays an important role in providing the body with energy.

Honey has multiple benefits mentioned by the “be healthy” website, especially when the body starts eating it, namely:

1- It speeds up the metabolism process:

Honey is rich in carbohydrates, so it is used to strengthen the body, as it contains vitamins and mineral compounds.

2- Fights eye disorders:

Honey has been used for a long time to treat eye diseases, especially keratitis and corneal ulcers, and sometimes honey solution is sprayed on the mucous membrane.

3- Fights insomnia:

Doctors say that honey is the best way to sleep calm and deep, so if you sleep with difficulty or you sleep lightly and after waking up you cannot sleep again, you should eat a tablespoon of honey every day.

4- Improves the work of the digestive system:

Due to the high content of sugar and organic acids, honey irritates the mucous membrane of the digestive system, thus speeding up the emptying process and relieving it.

5- Treats viral and bacterial infections:

It treats viral and bacterial infections in the respiratory system, such as common cold and flu.

6- Good for the skin:

It works to soften the skin, and eating it daily does not expose it to dryness at all, and increases its luster, so it is widely used in cosmetics.

7.Gives more energy:

Honey replaces the body with energy, so athletes compensate for their lost effort, especially those participating in competitions and games that require great physical and mental effort as well.

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