Everyone is taking this step to save money at the supermarket and gain health

Everyone is taking this step to save money at the supermarket and gain health

Everyone’s health is closely linked to nutrition. However, in this world bombarded with commercials and unattainable models, developing healthy eating habits has become very difficult. Good nutrition cannot be separated from shopping at the supermarket. In fact, if done consciously, shopping can be the ally of proper nutrition. — Very often we at ProiezionidiBorsa have … Read more

Al-Ahly at night Koura: We have not been informed of any complaint … and Al-Marsad honored us

Al-Ahly at night Koura: We have not been informed of any complaint … and Al-Marsad honored us

Wrote: Reham Hamdy – Friday, February 19, 2021 10:29 PM – – Mohamed Morgan, executive director of Al-Ahly club, denied that his club management knew of any complaint from Al-Mars Club against Mahmoud Abdel-Moneim “Kahraba”, the team’s wing, against the background of the two teams’ match in the group stage of the African Champions League. … Read more

Dachauer Forum – Political Education from the Sofa – Dachau

Dachauer Forum – Political Education from the Sofa – Dachau

February 19, 2021, 10:13 p.m. Dachau Forum:Political education from the sofa h3 a,.css-1jpy2hx >h4 a,.css-1jpy2hx >p a,.css-1jpy2hx >ul a,.css-1jpy2hx >.sz-article__list-wrapper a{color:#009990;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-1jpy2hx >h3 a:focus,.css-1jpy2hx >h4 a:focus,.css-1jpy2hx >p a:focus,.css-1jpy2hx >ul a:focus,.css-1jpy2hx >.sz-article__list-wrapper a:focus,.css-1jpy2hx >h3 a:hover,.css-1jpy2hx >h4 a:hover,.css-1jpy2hx >p a:hover,.css-1jpy2hx >ul a:hover,.css-1jpy2hx >.sz-article__list-wrapper a:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}.css-1jpy2hx >h3,.css-1jpy2hx >h4{font-family:’SZSansDigital’,’Neue Helvetica’,’Helvetica’,sans-serif;font-size:20px;font-weight:700;letter-spacing:0.007em;line-height:1.3;margin-bottom:16px;}@media screen and (min-width: 768px){.css-1jpy2hx >h3,.css-1jpy2hx >h4{font-size:22px;font-weight:800;}}.css-1jpy2hx >p,.css-1jpy2hx div#sz-sticky-more-on-the-subject-target>p,.css-1jpy2hx >ul,.css-1jpy2hx >.sz-article__list-wrapper{-webkit-hyphenate-limit-after:3;-webkit-hyphenate-limit-before:3;-webkit-hyphenate-limit-chars:6 3 … Read more

Youtube video as a source for science? – Germany

Youtube video as a source for science?  – Germany

The fuss about the Hamburg study. Hamburg’s science authority has carefully distanced itself in the controversial investigation into the origin of the coronavirus by nanoscientist Professor Roland Wiesendanger. “Freedom of science is an immovable good. Nonetheless, it applies to all forms of scientific research that if the data is unclear or uncertain, it is appropriate … Read more

Zidane: “We make a mistake when we think of Wednesday”

Zidane: “We make a mistake when we think of Wednesday”

Zinedine Zidane spoke in the press room before the game against Valladolid (Saturday, 9:00 p.m.) Real Madrid city with the media. The coach said: “We’re making a mistake thinking about Wednesday and I don’t think the players think about it. We know we’ll have one on Saturday League game and we will focus on it … Read more

The biases: Sarkozy already vaccinated, the salutary virus of Renault, Air France and Danone, and Daesh in Iraq

The biases: Sarkozy already vaccinated, the salutary virus of Renault, Air France and Danone, and Daesh in Iraq

– – Every evening, Jean-Michel Apathie, Pascal Perri and Anne Nivat give their views on a hot topic in 24H Pujadas on LCI. On the program: Sarkozy already vaccinated, the beneficial virus and Daesh in Iraq. 2021-02-19T19:35:04.000+01:00 – — At 66, former President Nicolas Sarkozy received his first injection against Covid-19 last January. His cabinet … Read more

Archbishop of Bogotá asks governments of Latin America to give shelter to the poor

Archbishop of Bogotá asks governments of Latin America to give shelter to the poor

The Archbishop of Bogotá and Primate of Colombia, Monsignor Luis Jose Rueda Aparicio, blesses the statue “Jesus street dweller” in Bogotá (Colombia). EFE / Carlos Ortega Bogotá, Feb 19 (EFE) .- The Archbishop of Bogotá and Primate of Colombia, Luis José Rueda Aparicio, called on the governments of Latin America on Friday to provide shelter, … Read more