The world premiere of ‘I was born Rosellini’ co-produced by ‘VFS Films’ in Venice

The world premiere of ‘I was born Rosellini’ co-produced by ‘VFS Films’ in Venice

The world premiere of the Venice Film Festival “Critics’ Week” ended with the world premiere of Alessandro Rosellini’s film “I Was Born Rosellini” on Friday, September 11. In the second half of October, the film will be screened in almost 200 cinemas throughout Italy. The co-producers of the film are Latvian “VFS Films”. The film … Read more

They put it under the boiler. The Czech heating startup has grown sixfold, wanting to be the largest in the region

They put it under the boiler.  The Czech heating startup has grown sixfold, wanting to be the largest in the region

Digitization is experiencing a boom this year in all segments of the economy, and this is not the case in such a traditional industry as heating. This is proven by the current data of the startup Topí, which was established three years ago and connects heating with digital technologies. But only this year did he … Read more

Franco-German initiative to take over minors from refugee camp on Lesvos: “Belgium wants a sustainable solution”

Franco-German initiative to take over minors from refugee camp on Lesvos: “Belgium wants a sustainable solution”

According to the German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, it would concern between 400 and 640 children and teenagers. Chancellor Angela Merkel has already reached an agreement on this with France, whereby 100 to 150 of those minors would be given a home. Some of those minors are said to have already flown to the Greek … Read more

EU parliament vetoes trade deal if British do not comply with Brexit agreement | NOW

EU parliament vetoes trade deal if British do not comply with Brexit agreement |  NOW

The European Parliament will vote against a potential trade deal between the United Kingdom (UK) and the European Union (EU) if the British fail to comply with the Withdrawal Agreement. That is what six of the seven European groups say on Friday a joint statement. The EU body must agree before any trade agreement can … Read more

Coronavirus: 1,616 new cases with almost 100 thousand swabs, 10 deaths | Report Iss: 2,280 active outbreaks in Italy, Rt index at 1.14

Coronavirus: 1,616 new cases with almost 100 thousand swabs, 10 deaths |  Report Iss: 2,280 active outbreaks in Italy, Rt index at 1.14

Read also> All Coronavirus data in Italy: look at the map The Region with the highest daily number of cases is Lombardy (257), followed by Veneto (173), Emilia-Romagna (152), Lazio (148) and Tuscany (147). There are no Regions without infections in the last 24 hours. There are currently 175 patients in intensive care throughout Italy … Read more

Serious health complications: Hana Zagorová has to go to the hospital again!

Serious health complications: Hana Zagorová has to go to the hospital again!

The popular singer Hana Zagorová has been going to hell in recent days, due to coronavirus and high fevers she had to be hospitalized. She also celebrated her 74th birthday at the hospital on Sunday. She was released on Friday, but has yet to return. “You don’t even know how happy you made me. Hundreds … Read more

Inner Mongolia is becoming less and less autonomous, the revolt seems to have been broken

Inner Mongolia is becoming less and less autonomous, the revolt seems to have been broken

Local residents keep to the plain. “They just started again on September 1,” says the Mongolian manager of a restaurant next to the school with conviction. She says she has heard nothing of protests. “The fact that it might be a bit quieter is probably due to the epidemic.” That seems unlikely. Corona largely passed … Read more