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[정치]Rigid governance… The emphasis on the “big three reforms” is inevitable


President Yoon Seok-yeol recently reaffirmed the three tasks of pension, labor and education reform through a national affairs meeting.

Most of the law needs to be changed through the National Assembly, but it is expected that it will not be easy to cross the threshold of the National Assembly because the political situation is tightly blocked, such as budget conflicts.

This is reporter Kwon Nam-ki.


President Yoon Seok-yeol highlighted reform in the three main areas of education, work and retirement at a national affairs meeting on the 15th, saying that reform is not an option, but a necessity.

The three main tasks underlined since the beginning of my inauguration can be summarized as work flexibility, improvement of educational competitiveness and sustainable retirement.

[윤석열 / 대통령 (국정과제 점검회의, 지난 15일) : 역사적 책임과 소명을 정말 피하지 않고 가겠습니다.]

President Yoon stressed that it must be done, but the variable is the political situation of the government and opposition parties.

This is because most of them are legislative or statutory amendments and it is difficult to pass the National Assembly without the cooperation of the opposition party.

However, as seen in the recent conflict between the two parties over the budget law, the government and opposition parties are in a position to not adequately manage the country even for a year, let alone cooperate.

Furthermore, the confrontation between the opposition parties is becoming increasingly bitter as the blades of circumstances affecting the opposition party and the former government continue, from the investigations into Lee Jae-myung, the representative of the Democratic Party, to the investigation into the suspicion of distortion of statistics by the inspection and control commission.

[정진석 / 국민의힘 비상대책위원장 (지난 12일) : 이재명이 언제 체포되나, 회기를 이어가면서 체포 구금될 수 없도록….]

[이재명 / 더불어민주당 대표 (지난 14일) : 최근에는 대한민국 검찰이 모두 달려들고 있는 것 같아요. (검찰이) 온갖 걸 다 압수수색하고 있습니다.]

In fact, regarding President Yoon’s three major reform tasks, the ruling party urged the opposition party to participate, saying that the reforms must be completed through the law.

[성일종 / 국민의힘 정책위의장 (지난 16일) : 윤석열 대통령의 큰 결단에 동참해 주시기를 바랍니다.]

Rather, the Democratic Party has emphasized that its own reforms that have left out the opposition party and the people were a hollow illusion and should have started with communication and governance.

[안호영 / 더불어민주당 수석대변인 (지난 16일) : 대통령은 거꾸로 갈등과 분열을 조장하고 있습니다.]

President Yoon expressed a strong will to promote the “three tasks of reform”, saying that politics and the economy would be ruined if the reforms were not implemented.

In the end, how the relationship with the Democratic Party, which occupies the majority of seats, should be the biggest variable, and the prevailing opinion is that difficulties will be inevitable since the political situation is as convoluted as it is.

This is YTN Kwon Nam-ki.

YTN Namki Kwon ([email protected])

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