Home » today » World » [국제]The Davos Forum closed with an emphasis on cooperation in the midst of multiple crises…”The significance of the event has faded due to the retreat of globalization”

[국제]The Davos Forum closed with an emphasis on cooperation in the midst of multiple crises…”The significance of the event has faded due to the retreat of globalization”


The World Forum in Davos, Switzerland, which opened on the 16th under the theme of ‘Cooperation in a Divided World’, came to an end.

Participants emphasized extensive cooperation in the midst of multiple crises, but some point out that the meaning of the event itself has faded due to the retreat of globalization, the core of the forum.

Reporter Kim Won-bae reports.


At the Davos Forum, which was held for 5 days and 4 nights under the theme of ‘Cooperation in a Divided World’, the word most widely talked about was ‘multiple crises’.

[클라우스 슈밥 / 다보스포럼 회장 : 우리 세대는 전환점에 도달했습니다. 진정한 실존적 문제에 직면했습니다. 기후 변화, 자연 착취, 핵 사고 가능성, 심지어 전쟁, 극심한 빈곤과 바이러스가 그것입니다.]

At the Davos Forum, concerns were raised about the division of the world economy, especially as geopolitical conflicts, technological decoupling, and protectionism escalated.

Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Union and European Commission, argued that the EU was being harmed by both US and Chinese industrial policies.

[우르줄라 폰데어라이엔 / EU 집행위원장 : 이제 단일 시장의 분열을 피하고 EU 전체에 걸쳐 청정 기술 전환을 지원하기 위해 우리도 EU 자금 지원을 강화해야 합니다.]

Participants at the Davos Forum emphasized that broader cooperation and multilateralism are needed more than ever to overcome the many crises facing the world.

[응고지 오콘조이웨알라 / 세계무역기구 사무총장 : 우리는 전략적 경쟁과 함께 전략적 협력이 필요합니다. 그래서 우리는 긴장이 거기에 없다고 말하는 것이 아니라, 언제 협력해야 하는지도 알아야 합니다.]

However, many heads of state who had to listen to these cries were absent from the event.

CNN reported that it is pointed out that the meaning of the event itself has faded due to the retreat of globalization, which is the core of the Davos Forum.

This is YTN Kim Won-bae.

YTN Wonbae Kim ([email protected])

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