Home » today » Entertainment » 櫻井翔主演『新空港占拠』ドラマ第1話、隠し動画に注目


The first episode⁤ of the new Saturday drama “Shinkuukou Senkyo” (Every Saturday, 10:00 PM) starring ⁤Arashi’s Sho Sakurai was broadcasted on the 13th. Attention is being ⁣drawn to the‌ “hidden videos” that appear on the drama’s website. The previous drama, “Daibyouin ⁣Senkyo” (2023), featured a​ mysterious armed group wearing demon ⁣masks that occupied a ⁢prestigious hospital in Japan. Sakurai played the role of Musashi Saburo, a suspended investigator who confronted the criminals to rescue the hostages.

In this new drama, a ⁣masked armed group called “Kemono”⁣ (Beast) ⁢occupies the first international airport⁢ in Kanagawa Prefecture, “Kanagawa New Airport.” Once again, Musashi, who​ gets involved in the‍ incident, seeks the assistance of Sakura Izumi (Sonim),‌ a suspended administrator since the ⁣incident a year ago. ‍They⁢ work together to rescue‍ the hostages from the airport and confront ⁤the dangerous “beasts.”⁣ The deadline for rescuing the hostages is a one-day time-limited battle suspense.

On ‍the drama’s website, the “拠”‌ (Kyo) in the title “Shinkuukou Senkyo” flashes with animal footprints. Clicking on ⁤it reveals a hidden video. Before the first episode aired,​ a person wearing a black coat and a ‍hood was captured walking,⁤ and at the end, a crest and the words “Kemono” and “THE TRUTH” appeared. After the first episode aired, the video ⁢changed, ⁣showing an iron tool resembling a luggage cart and the words “that comes.”

Viewers have been commenting on the hidden videos, saying, “There’s a hidden video this time too!”⁢ “THE‍ TRUTH that comes?” “Is it a hint?” “The hidden‌ videos are​ creepy.” “The ‌hidden video is too scary.” “What is the iron tool in the hidden video

how to ‍take care of indoor plants without ⁣sunlight

According to ⁣ [1],​ caring for indoor plants‍ involves several steps to ensure their health and well-being:

1. Keep​ the ‍potting soil moist: It is ​essential to provide an appropriate‍ level of moisture ⁤to​ indoor plants. Avoid overwatering or⁣ letting the soil ⁤dry‍ out⁢ completely. Check the moisture level by ​inserting a⁤ finger ‌into‌ the soil; if ⁤it feels dry‌ up to the first knuckle, it’s⁣ time to water.

2. Choose ⁣the right​ pot: Ensure that the plant ‌pot has drainage ​holes​ to prevent‍ excess moisture buildup and the risk of root rot. If there are no ⁢drainage‍ holes, consider⁢ using⁤ a saucer ​to ​catch excess water⁢ and prevent waterlogging.

3. Provide adequate light: Different ⁣plants have different light requirements. Some ‍thrive ⁢in direct sunlight, while others prefer indirect ⁢or low light ‍conditions. Identify the light preferences of your indoor plants‌ and place them accordingly.

4. Maintain proper humidity: Indoor environments can often ⁢be dry, ​especially during the winter ⁣season ‌when heaters are used. Some plants thrive in high humidity,‍ while others prefer lower levels. Mist the leaves occasionally ⁤or use a humidifier⁤ to create a suitable environment.

5. Fertilize as needed: Indoor plants benefit from periodic fertilization. Use a balanced,⁤ water-soluble fertilizer and follow the instructions ‌on the packaging. Avoid over-fertilizing, as it can lead to salt buildup in the soil.

6. Prune and remove dead/damaged⁢ leaves: Regularly inspect your indoor plants for any dead ​or damaged ‌leaves. Remove ​them⁢ promptly to prevent the spread ‍of diseases​ and to encourage new growth.

7. Keep an eye out‍ for pests: Indoor plants‍ can attract pests like‍ spider mites, aphids, mealybugs, etc. Inspect your plants regularly for signs of infestation, such as small‌ webs, sticky residue, or yellowing leaves. Treat any infestations promptly using organic or chemical pest control ⁢methods.

By⁢ following these care ​tips, you⁣ can maintain healthy and thriving indoor plants in your home or office.

[1] ⁣”The Ultimate Guide⁣ To Indoor Plants” – Ambius: https://www.ambius.com/resources/blog/plant-profile/the-ultimate-guide-to-indoor-plants

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