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Donnarumma-Barcelona, ​​improvised negotiation by Raiola | News PM

Donnarumma – Barcelona, ​​near parts? Here is what we know: Raiola’s proposal and the Catalan club’s response. The latest news on the most discussed transfer market negotiation ..

‘The Barcelona pushes for Donnarumma‘. Many in these hours are talking about a Catalan club very interested in the player and determined to focus onnow a former Milan goalkeeper. We have talked and written about ‘contacts initiated’, of ‘advanced negotiations’, of ‘very hot axis’, of ‘figures, offers and numbers’. We report, of course. But what we get is a little different.

The factors would in fact be reversed. To push would be Raiola, not Barcelona. The club never asked for information, it was the player who proposed. ‘Are you interested?’. ‘Sure, let’s hear. Under what conditions? ‘. The dialogue, summarized and simplified, would have been this. In short, an improvised negotiation. Born from nothing. And then?

Then, nothing. A negotiation has not yet been started and an offer has not yet been made from what we know. Barcelona have expressed their esteem towards the goalkeeper (and God forbid, he remains one of the best in the world), but has put it on stand-by. The costs of the operation, the commissions, the difficulty of finding accommodation first a Ter Stegen, the current Blaugrana number one, have cooled the first enthusiasm.

Does it mean that it will not be done then? It’s not for sure. The door is not closed, but neither is it wide open. It remains a difficult operation, as it would be for many other teams. Barcelona’s response for Donnarumma, in fact, was the same as in many other Top Clubs. ‘Very good, tantalizing hypothesis, but …’

There is always some ‘but’ that holds things back. We also told you about it a few weeks ago exclusively. After a moment of stalemate, Mino Raiola had returned to offer his client to several European clubs. Evidently, the break with Milan was already in the air. Among the clubs contacted there was also the Manchester United. Again the answer was: ‘Interesting, but ..’. And away with the usual doubts: stratospheric costs for a goalkeeper, high commission, difficulty in getting rid of the under-contracted players. Nobody said ‘no’, everyone said BUT …

Manchester United should first place De Gea and Henderson, Chelsea Kepa, PSG Navas, Atletico Oblak, Real Madrid Courtois, la Juventus Szczesny. A sale would be needed to unleash the domino effect. Or someone who invests in the future, whatever it takes. But in times of a pandemic it seems more difficult than expected. Meanwhile the Giroud blow for Milan is approaching. The last.

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