The Stade Castrais gymnasts shone for their return to competition! From the youngest to the oldest, the different teams have indeed done very well: In federal B, the 7-9 year olds with Méline, Nina and Lise finish 7th and the 10-13 year olds with Méline, Ambre, Bertille and Maëlyne win the gold medal! In federal d’Oc, 12-15 year olds also bring back gold, congratulations to Néfila, Eva and Jade! These three teams have all achieved their objective which allows them to qualify for the interdepartmental competition which will take place in Rodez at the end of April. In federal A, the girls from Stade Castrais climbed to the third step of the podium and qualified for the regionals where they finished in 4th place by validating their place for the Rouen federal trophy in May. Among the 14-15 year olds, Luna ranks 9th, Lou 4th, Candice bronze medal and Noussayba gold medal! As for the 16-17 year olds, Touria also pocketed the gold! Congratulations to the gymnasts of coach Madelen Tamayo Gonzalez for this rain of medals at the start of a promising season.