Home » today » News » [사회]Gimpo Gold line train breakdown… more than 200 passengers on the way home are isolated

[사회]Gimpo Gold line train breakdown… more than 200 passengers on the way home are isolated


Today (21st) around 6:30pm, the train suddenly stopped near Gochon Station on the Gimpo Gold Line in the metropolitan area.

About 200 passengers on their way home from work have been isolated by trains for an hour, and all trains in the direction of Yangchon are disrupted.

There is a reporter for YTN on the site. Reporter Dayeon Kim!

What is the situation now?


The place where I am standing is the platform at Gochon Station.

It’s been about 2 hours since the train stopped.

You can see a stretcher behind me, but an emergency medical center was set up at the site.

The passengers who had been isolated walked along the track and exited to the platform here.

Because everyone was wearing masks due to corona, there were passengers complaining of difficulty breathing.

Some passengers with limited mobility also dispatched 119 paramedics to help evacuate.

The time the accident occurred, around 6:30 this evening.

A train on the metropolitan subway Gimpo Gold Line left Gimpo Airport and headed for Yangchon and suddenly stopped near Gochon Station.

At the time, the train had 200 passengers on the way home from work.

Isolation in the train lasted for an hour.

Gimpo Urban Railway moved the train to a location where it could be evacuated by pushing the broken train with the train that followed.

Now, a total of 400 people have been evacuated, up to 200 people who got on the broken train and the train that followed.

The passenger complaining of shortness of breath escaped with the help of 119 paramedics.

Gimpo Urban Railway explained that other means of transportation or the next train were taken.

However, due to the breakdown of the train, the current Gimpo Gold route toward Yangchon is facing a total disruption.

All 18 trains that followed are waiting.

The city of Gimpo sent an emergency text message, urging passengers on the Gimpo Gold Route to Yangchon to use other means of transportation.

So far, YTN Kim Da-yeon from Gochon Station on the Gimpo Gold Route[[email protected]]is.

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