Often enough, Donald Trump influenced world markets with his tweets. Twitter shares benefited from this. What’s next after the US President has been banned?
by Robert Schröder
Now it happened. Twitter has completely blocked the account of incumbent US President Donald Trump. The escalation in Washington in connection with the storming of the Capitol broke the famous barrel.
The relief about this is particularly great in the (social) media. But as is so often the case, media and social memory is extremely short and selective. Especially on the stock exchange and among investors you can literally smell the great hypocrisy!
Things have been extremely bad for Twitter for a long time since going public in 2013. The short message service from San Francisco had to be great for 19 quarters, almost 5 years in a row losses accept and publish.
The investors were accordingly annoyed and on the verge of it Twitter to drop. Accordingly, the share price had lost its feathers and in May 2016 was over 80 percent below the record highs at the time (almost USD 75 in December 2013). But then Donald Trump was elected 45th President of the United States and everything turned out fine.
Make money on nuclear war tweets
Three to four years ago it was still legitimate and in vogue to make money from Donald Trump’s Twitter tirades. Wirtschaftswoche wrote the headline on February 10, 2017: “How investors benefit from Trump’s Twitter rant – Every tweet is a potential price driver: US President Donald Trump’s attacks on companies via Twitter are incalculable for investors. You can still earn money with it. “
The day before, on February 9th, the “world” appeared in the article “Twitter does not benefit from Trump’s tweet flood“Visibly disappointed that Twitter expressly cannot yet benefit from Trump’s tweets.
Quote: “Twitter did not benefit from the worldwide attention for the US election campaign and the tweets of Donald Trump in the past quarter.” “If the Trump effect does not bring growth in user numbers, what can it do?”, On the other hand, commented analyst Michael Pachter of Wedbush Securities. “
Good Trump, bad Trump
In the 4th quarter of 2017 the time had come. The Trump Effect gave Twitter its first quarterly profit in the company’s history. If only homeopathic $ 91 million. By the second quarter of 2019, however, profits rose meteoric to $ 1.120 billion.
On January 9, 2018, N-TV headlined: “Success with nuclear war tweets?“How much Twitter benefits from the Trump Effect”.
Madness! This formulation would be almost unthinkable today in its form. But that also shows how perverted the whole thing is. Yesterday Trump was enough to cash in with him or on his tweets. Today is Trump the bogeyman on all levels.
With or on the crude tweets of the old white man from the White House, many people have made a lot of money on the stock market or with the share of Twitter. And indirectly through the mass of tweets from Donald Trump, which was controversial from the start.
The stock market knows no morals. Even if Twitter now makes one morale and sets an example by deactivating the account. Twitter is a public company. It’s about the highest possible turnover and profits. In the end it’s about money. A lot of money. And, as is well known, money knows no morality. Neither on the stock exchange nor in the media.
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