While the opposition reminded the Riigikogu on Monday that Vladimir Svet, who has been the ministerial candidate for the new government coalition, had previously doubted the Crimea’s belonging to Ukraine, according to the prime minister’s candidate Kristen Michal, the ministers, including Svet, will receive security. check
Fatherland MP Urmas Reinsalu pointed out that, according to Sveti’s earlier statements, the majority of Crimea’s residents want to be part of Russia, and that Crimea’s membership is not clear without doubt. Then Michal answered, whoever says such words, he will not receive support from him.
Michal also noted that all ministers, like Svet, must go through a procedure explaining their loyalty to Estonia, and the security check must ensure that it remains so. At the same time, Michal reminded that Sveti has chosen the Social Democrats as a ministerial candidate.