Last night around 20 a Spinel, a hamlet of Santa Sofia in the province of Forlì-Cesena, two pensioners were found lifeless in the bedroom of their home. The local carabinieri, together with colleagues from the Meldola operational and mobile unit, intervened together with the firefighters. Paolo Neri and Stefania Plataniarespectively 67 and 65 years old, former Senate employees, retired, they would both have committed suicide.
“Find a place to live in peace”, where “new possibilities” can arise. They are excerpts from the short message that the couple left to their children on the bedside table in the bedroom. A few words of farewell from the couple who, according to the first findings of the Meldola carabinieri and the coroner, she would have committed suicide with a gunshot to the face. “The two retirees – Rossella Capuano, commander of the carabinieri of Meldola told ANSA – as far as we know they had no economic problems or health problems. Even if we are looking for further evidence on this, as they are resident in Rome”. Upset one of the two children, reached by telephone by the military, who “did not expect what happened. She should have seen the parents in a few days, they had plans”. The house is not currently under seizure.
As for the couple’s bond with the community of ‘Ramtha’, there is no reference in the farewell note, but this is what can be seen from testimonies on the two spouses. “It concerns a glimpse of their history – specifies the commander – In 2012 when they bought the house in Spinello we were told that the gentlemen were actually ready with bunkers and accumulated provisions”. Whether anything has changed in these ten years is not known at the moment.
The surveys were concentrated between yesterday evening and today on the second floor of the house, where there is the bedroom in which the bodies were found, lying on the ground. “At the beginning the hypothesis was murder-suicide because on arrival the military saw a single gun, then during the surveys a second gun was found, hidden under his body”. They were regularly detained and only one shot was fired from each. For the coroner there is no doubt. “From the exit hole the dynamic is that of suicide”.
Couple found dead at home in the Forlì area, double suicide hypothesis
“We are not used to facts like this.” So Daniele Valbonesi, mayor of Santa Sofia. “I didn’t know them personally but I know they weren’t resident in Santa Sofia, they were in the past, and now they had a second home here for several years,” he tells ANSA.