yisel: the period oftransition.fulfill the mandate ofvaccination for clients andemployees.otherwise they couldface fines of up to $ 1000.we discuss the subject tonightwith our commenters jaceand polanco and luis miranda.gentlemen, this week owners ofbusinesses must enforce theBacchus command a prayer.some are againstthis idea.I am now in arestaurant.when I arrived, they asked mecopy of my vaccination.It took 10 seconds to teach him theapplication that said that in mevaccination is good for ayear, it is not a problem. thepeople must understand thatarriving here preventing mecopy of the vaccination, II’m here calm knowingthat everyone to mearound it also has thevaccine.>> is a debate on theimportance of the vaccine. meI understand the importance andI tell everyone to get vaccinated,but the effect hurts a lotthat this is going to have with therestaurant entrepreneurs,city that suffered so much inthe last year and a half, thatnow tell them that they are going to havewhat to check the clientswhat’s in the restaurant yeahthey have a vaccination passport.that makes life impossible.we tell thecitizens who are going to vote,they don’t have to showidentification. if we havethat…>> but one does not get sickvoting!but understand what it isgoing.it becomes more difficult tosomeone vote when foot theidentification.effectively!if you make them moredifficult to open its doors towhich is a business doing thatdo not accept anyone if you do not havethat identification, I don’t thinkbe fair.there are two vaccines, 90 days and it isvery difficult.>> al the alternative is thatthis pandemic never goes awayour lives.those restaurants have toclose because there are people like methat he will never go to arestore, unless peopleyisel: do the inspectors knowthree agencies mustmake sure it isfulfilling this mandate.do they see it feasible?but of course!fines to all those wineries andsmall restaurants?to all those who did not want thatidentification.many of them are going to haveto pay a multitude of moneyfor city fines.the city don’t know what to doan entrepreneur to have hisbusiness.the city knows that wewe had nine months where nowe could go out on the street.I understand the problem that thatimplies, but the bigger problemof society is that we do notlet’s vaccinate and stop thetown.have to close.that does a lot of damage tobusinessman.they hurt theentrepreneurs, who havehouseholds.they don’t know the job …that has nothing to do withentrepreneurs, that has to dowith prevent.[hablan al uísono]thanks for being with